How to actually make a logo?

So I've decided I need to design and make a logo for myself, how do I actually go about doing this. I'm pretty new to CS3 - can it be done on CS3?
Sorry for the basic into question, but I just have no idea where to start.
I am looking for something pretty simple...along the lines of this.
Sorry for the basic into question, but I just have no idea where to start.
I am looking for something pretty simple...along the lines of this.
Truth be known, when I finally decide on a design I'm probably going to do a 'flat' in CS3 and then a 3D version in blender or lightwave or if I'm super bored swift3d.
(If you have the whole CS3 package it may be best to do a vector graphic in Illustrator then drag into PS for touch up so it scales well)
"Your decisions on whether to buy, when to buy and what to buy should depend on careful consideration of your needs primarily, with a little of your wants thrown in for enjoyment, After all photography is a hobby, even for pros."
~Herbert Keppler
The "Logo" portion is only blue and green - the white is a watermark.
I am using it only as an example of the simlicity of what I may be looking to design on my own.
The text tool is very powerful and lets you do so much to plain text that the possibilities are endless.
A good logo is simple, strong, readable, and eye catching. Just keep these in mind when designing yours.
BTW, heres mine. Made only with the text tool!
And here's my wife's. Also made with only the text tool.
I have tried different approaches, the one that works best is to go to
You can download a trial copy and should be able to come up with a logo with this. If necessary you can buy more templates but I have never had to. I made my wacko logo with this program.