How much PP....

Just a general question if you'll indulge me!... On average, how much time do you spend in post proc on a "keeper" photo? Just curious!
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away..."
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My Smug Gallery
Some that are shot well only take a couple of minutes to add a little punch (2-3 minutes), while other complex composit shots I have taken up to 15 hours on.
I would say that the majority of photos that I put through Post Production that don't require removing wires, blemishes, treebranches out of ears, etc.; only take about 1-3 minutes to add some punch. But if you are really lucky, just click on a "preset" in Lightroom and call it done.
I would be interested to hear what others have to say on this as well.
Some of My Photos:
Very rarely much more than 10 minutes.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
My Smug Gallery
Some of My Photos:
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Weapons of choice: Dan Margulis Picture Postcard workflow, K channel (works really well for bringing out detail in monuments and signs and also roughness in seas), channel blending in CMYK to get rid of the red splotches that many of us have in portrait like shots (of us), other stuff.
One really powerful thing is to recognize and fix casts. I used to do this kind of thing in LAB, but after watching Dan Margulis' videos, I'm using curves in RGB in Color Mode.
If I'm compositing or really digging into a shot 30 min to whenever it's what I envision (the longest time I have on one shot is roughly 40-50 hours. This is me walking away, working on it again a week later kind of thing though)
Lr, Ps, Ai are my tools.
Number three is so true!.... what's ACR, though? pardon my ignorance
My Smug Gallery
And Ai is?
My Smug Gallery
Adobe Camera RAW. It's a standalone RAW processor/converter. Its functionality is embedded in the LR Develop module
It's a vector art application. It uses vectors instead of rasters (pixels). You can use vector art with raster art though to make some really cool images.
Adobe Camera's the raw converter that comes with CS3 and is also used in Lightroom. I find myself doing more and more with ACR and only the trickier stuff in Photoshop itself.
My Smug Gallery
I see!! so much to learn!!
My Smug Gallery
I've never used elements before, but I'm fairly certain you can do almost anything in Elements as the regular Photoshop. Of course there are differences, but I don't think anyone uses all the functionality of Photoshop since it's so diversified.