saving tutorials

I've often promoted DavidTo's HDR tutorial on various forums, but now I've had someone who said it can't be saved for working on offline. I've just seen it also can't be saved as a PDF (no pics).
Comments anyone?
Comments anyone?
ALT+P > Save As... > Web Archive, single file.
An .MHT (as opposed to an .HTM file) is a HighMAT format that MS has recently lost interest in supporting. But it does save some multimedia within the page, usually intact (once downloaded fully). File sizes can be large to overwhelming.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Right. Firefox will save it as an .htm file as well. I think all browsers offer this capability.
With the mht file save (and html) from IE6, I get an error "The Web page could not be saved to the selected location". Will try using IE7 from home this evening.