Rebel XT Observations
For many years I shot mostly with Nikons. I would shoot a Medium format here and there but found them to bulky for my Use. I even shot some landscapes with A graflex and Large 5x7 Kodak and media Cameras. I must admit Back in those days I HATED Cannon. The AE1 was the rage and I worked in a camera Shop where I had to fix them. I swore them off. Time is a cruel mistress and in Time I ended up shooting Wild life in Alaska with a 35mm and my partner was using a Rebel and had auto Focus. He was nailing the Shots I was missing.
So the first change took place I researched the Available auto Focus cameras on the market. Price, dependable service, and smart design were the Factors. Nikon lost the race. I bought my first Canon. Elan IIe awesome camera.
Now the time has come once again to give up a standard. The Film cost and developing issues are now forcing me to go digital. I shopped for a Long time Cost verse usability the weight of the quality of the image and the capture capabilities all measured again and again. I ordered my first Digital yesterday.
I found that Canon has put out a Light fully operational 8.0 mega pix camera called the Canon digital Rebel XT it is in the EOS line. I will receive it next week. Since it uses the Same lens I already own and the same speed light will work with it, I will be shooting soon. I look forward to posting here and entering the minimizing assignment on the site. I found this site while researching this buy.
I have already learned allot here. I look forward to learning much more.
So the first change took place I researched the Available auto Focus cameras on the market. Price, dependable service, and smart design were the Factors. Nikon lost the race. I bought my first Canon. Elan IIe awesome camera.
Now the time has come once again to give up a standard. The Film cost and developing issues are now forcing me to go digital. I shopped for a Long time Cost verse usability the weight of the quality of the image and the capture capabilities all measured again and again. I ordered my first Digital yesterday.
I found that Canon has put out a Light fully operational 8.0 mega pix camera called the Canon digital Rebel XT it is in the EOS line. I will receive it next week. Since it uses the Same lens I already own and the same speed light will work with it, I will be shooting soon. I look forward to posting here and entering the minimizing assignment on the site. I found this site while researching this buy.
I have already learned allot here. I look forward to learning much more.

I ordered the Camera from B& H photo In NY. Thus far I am Unimpressed. It was to SHIP Friday and they Blew it. They could not "Confirm" the US ARMY address that I wanted it delevered to. They could not take a minute and call me on one of the Three phone numbers that were Listed in the Order. No they sent a email to the Non Work address and took the rest of the day off they do not return to work until Sunday morning. If this is the best they can do I am amazed they are still in Business.
The Address that was being shipped to is listed as a delivery address on the Credit Card I used to placed the order . I have never seen a Monkey Jerk operation like this.
I provide them Proof of the Address we will see if that corrects this.
I had a very good experience with B&H. I ordered two lenses from them and they were shipped and arrived very quickly from the time the order was placed.
I have heard that they tend to delay shipments in cases where the "ship to" is not the same as the "bill to". Seems they like to ensure everything is 100% OK before they go ahead.
You are correct about them charging you in advance. When you order on-line you're told your card will be charged right away.
And, yes, they are closed Saturday like 99% of the camera stores in NYC. For some reason they are nearly all Jewish owned companies. Many times I've been in the city on a Saturday and wished I could go browse.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
B&H and Adorama are both closed late Friday afternoon and all day Saturday - It is their day of worship. I believe that Adorama is open Sunday though. Not sure about B&H, but both are quality merchants.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
As to the Lens question what is the difference? I will look.
I think the problem may be that the XT is not available just yet. It is not due out until the 20th, so it may be that someone at B&H didn't think to check that the camera was brand new and not available to ship yet. B&H was taking pre-orders on the camera. Good's on my very short list of a potential new dslr cam purchase.
Best Wishes,
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
BTW, I was not allowed to record photos from the XT on my own CF card because the rep stated that the XT at the Canon booth was only a "prototype". People were allowed to shoot and record photos with all the other Canon cameras already in the marketplace.
Be careful about ending up with a gray market camera, because they may be the one's that are available now (if, in fact there really are any available now...). This certainly makes me question B&H's integrity a bit. Will they refund your money if they're not willing to ship to your Military address?
Best of Luck! Please let us know what happens and what your impressions of your new camera are once it arrives. I'm on the bubble considering this one your evaluation will be really helpful.
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
Checked the web it is on the palne here.
I can not wait. I did not know the limitations on the Program settings would not work if I wanted to shoot RAW. only the basic and single Program.
So lets see what I can come up with.
Hi there,
I ordered my Rebel XT from B&H on the 15th. Got an email on the 16th saying it has shipped. I did not get the supper fast shipping, just the regular. That still costs $17. So I should have it in a few days. I'm very excited. A real SLR at last. I have a Canon AE1 program (film camera) and a couple of great lenses. So I have been very frustrated with a P&S type for a long time now. I'm glad I waited though. I have learned a lot about digital cameras in the meanwhile. Now I need to figure out what kind of lenses to buy for this camera. I got the kit lens for now. Costs practically nothing, so nothing to lose. Can't be much of a lens though. I want to get a good versatile zoom. I want macro too. I want to shoot birds. I want to shoot portraits with good bg blur. What do I need?
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
This would not have been imposible to do.
Since I prefer to shoot most of the Time in Raw. I will spend less time in the other modes.
The other thing is I don't like that some lens are not transferable when you have thousand dollar glass that stinks.
More to follow