Help buying a new monitor

Hi, I am currently using an old 17" CRT monitor that is, I think, on it's way out. I can't use a resolution above 1024*768 without it making a horrible high-pitched noise, and even at the above resolution it will sometimes squeal. Also, when callibrating, I can't see the difference in the dark tones.
What I really need to know is, what is the minimum spec for a fairly decent LCD monitor for digital photography processing?
I've just been on Kelkoo and compared two cheap 20" (LG & Phillips). Most of the specs were the same except:
Contrast ratio 2000:1 (LG) & 800:1 (Phillips)
Max refresh rate 75Hz (LG) & 65Hz (Phillips)
And the viewing angle was slightly more on the LG.
What are the important areas I should be looking at?
Thanks for any advice,
What I really need to know is, what is the minimum spec for a fairly decent LCD monitor for digital photography processing?
I've just been on Kelkoo and compared two cheap 20" (LG & Phillips). Most of the specs were the same except:
Contrast ratio 2000:1 (LG) & 800:1 (Phillips)
Max refresh rate 75Hz (LG) & 65Hz (Phillips)
And the viewing angle was slightly more on the LG.
What are the important areas I should be looking at?
Thanks for any advice,
Bristol, UK.
Bristol, UK.
Is price an object? *if so, how much are you willing to spend?
Do you (or will you) do this professionally?
I am on a pretty tight budget - unfortunately
The work I do is not critical (I have no one to fire me for this), but I do want the shots to look as good (accurate) as possible. I'd also like to be able to use a higher res than 1024*768 without the items on the screen being too small to see, as on my current 17".
Oh, and I don't intend to turn pro anytime soon.
Thanks again,
Bristol, UK.
I suggest you try to get into one of the new Samsung 22"" TN paneled monitors that have just come to market as I suspect that they have full 8 bit colour.
Also, I've seen 24" PVA paneled BenQ's and others going for under $400USD recently.
In terms of image quality for editing, these are the panel types from best to worst:
IPS (newer variants are S-IPS, AS-IPS, H-IPS, etc)
PVA (newer variants are S-PVA)
MVA (newer variants are A-MVA, P-MVA, S-MVA, etc)
My standard suggested reading....
The Anand LCD Thread
- this thread is a must read
XBit LCD Testing Methodology
Use to discover panel types (type in IPS, etc)
(these two sites are typically accurate but sometimes mfg's change panels in mid-model run - aka panel lotteries)
Use to see & compare monitor screens from various angles:
(and the link should show two monitors that while not the best, are good)
Review sites that shows images of the monitors viewed from various angles:
Some review sites that get technical:,1695,23466,00.asp
A European review sites that covers a lot of displays:
I've looked up the panel types (as above) and can see that better is obviously better.
Think I'll stick with my current monitor until I have a better understanding of what I'm looking for, better budget, or this one finally breaks.
Thanks for all the links and info, it's helped a lot.
Bristol, UK.