Speed, style, & beauty

Went to a show at the Boston Museum of Fine Art with this title. These are sports cars from the Ralph Lauren collection. Of course, these aren't jut any sports cars, but important sports cars. Here's the embarrassing thing: I didn't keep notes or buy a catalog and I'm not much of a motorhead. So I can't give them proper titles. But I know there are a lot of motorheads out there in dgrin land, so maybe you can give me some help with the makes, models, and history of these cars. I'm afraid it's going to be a little like "Name that Tune" in some cases. But maybe that adds to the fun.
Yeah, yeah, I know that shooting cars is like birding, shooting surf pictures, or fashion. It's a genre and the specialists are really good at it. Baldy, I'm not going to be competing with you anytime soon. I tried to follow Andy's advice for this situation and shoot in a way that captured what I experienced instead of shooting for the catalog or archive. It's good advice and gets you out of head to head competition with the specialists.
I did have fun, and I hope you have fun looking and helping me with the ID.

Yeah, yeah, I know that shooting cars is like birding, shooting surf pictures, or fashion. It's a genre and the specialists are really good at it. Baldy, I'm not going to be competing with you anytime soon. I tried to follow Andy's advice for this situation and shoot in a way that captured what I experienced instead of shooting for the catalog or archive. It's good advice and gets you out of head to head competition with the specialists.
I did have fun, and I hope you have fun looking and helping me with the ID.

If not now, when?
Excellent angles, I like the shots of people taking shots
Can't help with ID's on cars ( I'd drivem for sure
One thing I tried with OK succcess is to use a polarizer to remove reflections form the cars, get a chance again give it a try.
Enjoyed viewing
My Galleries
Lovely series of images John. When I went to the Museum of Modern Art Exhibit of "The Art of the Motorcyle" in Chicago they would not allow ANY photography. I had a camera and a guard stood right behind me the whole time - they were quite serious about not permitting any photography, so I am surprised it was allowed for this exhibit. I think your images were excellent of the cars and of the viewers as well. I liked the reflections of the crowd in the door of the catr also.
Was the first black car with the wire wheels a Bugatti? Great picture from the low angle. Good use of a wide angle in several of these. 17-40 or a different lens?
Very nice series of images. Do you have any more?
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
The car with the 8 on the grille is a Bentley. You can just see the Union Jack on the door. The next image (no fenders) is of a Bugatti. The people are all taking pictures of the Bentley. The wild shaped window that you can see people through and reflections under ls a Bugatti.
The lens was my 24-75 f2.8L. I have to think hard before I take a different lens these days. I get such nice sharp images from it, it's pretty fast, pretty wide, and I like the macro feature. Only downside: it's big.
I do have a lot more. These aren't even all the ones I post processed (a must because of the dark tungsten.) I'll take a second pass and see if there are any worth posting. And of course there is the one I posted in the Challenge forum. I've been struggling to make this work. It has a lot of noise and shutter too slow to really capture the facial detail I want. A lot of post later, I have this. I won't enter in the challenge, but I wanted to see if I could capture envy in a candid (this is my brother-in-law, so permission is granted, and yes, I have specific knowldege that it is envy.)
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso