
RT baby - Can you see me now (large post)

PrescottPhotogPrescottPhotog Registered Users Posts: 1,174 Major grins
edited May 29, 2008 in Wildlife
Hi Everyone,

Well it was a pretty cold and rainy holiday weekend so I didn't go out to the nest. The first shot shows the baby on my last trip-5/22/08 sitting on the nest still all fuzzy and soft.

I went out yesterday, 5 days later, and was amazed at what I saw. The baby was alone when I got there and I didn't expect much cause all I could see was a head shot. Pretty soon he looked up and that was when dad showed up with breakfast.. it DID NOT last long (he turned his back while eating so no gory shots). Dad only stays a few seconds and then leaves.

Then mom showed up as soon as dad left (as I said before, mom and dad are almost inseparable). To see mom and the little one side by side shows just how much it has grown, almost as big as mom already.

The metamorphosis these little ones go through in such a short period of time must be havoc on them. It's like you could watch them grow right in front of your eyes... amazing. (sorry for the leaves in some photos.. I have no control when it is blowing).

#1 - taken 5/22/08
The rest (below) taken 5/27/08
#2 - Rodent or not, ya just gotta feel sorry for this poor mouse.
#3 - Mouse to mulch in about 30 seconds.. Dad dropped it and the little one pounced on it but it was all behind the leaves blowing.
#4 - Breakfast is over, dad left and mom arrives
#5 - Every time this little guy tries to flap his wings he falls flat on his face, it is a riot to watch. He's not sure what they're for yet.
#7 - Okay, time to stretch a little bit and get some sun.
Prescott Photog, Chris - " One Shot, One Still "
Canon CPS Member
SmugMug Pro User - www.PrescottOutdoors.net
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    bfjrbfjr Registered Users Posts: 10,980 Major grins
    edited May 28, 2008
    Nice update ylsuper.gif
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    dbaker1221dbaker1221 Registered Users Posts: 4,482 Major grins
    edited May 28, 2008
    :ivar excellent update shotsclap.gif
    **If I keep shooting, I'm bound to hit something**
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    raptorcaptorraptorcaptor Registered Users Posts: 3,968 Major grins
    edited May 28, 2008
    The mouse did not seem to be pleased! Great set Chris!

    My website | NANPA Member
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    MaestroMaestro Registered Users Posts: 5,395 Major grins
    edited May 28, 2008
    Spectacular! You really nailed the focus even though there were leaves and sticks with which to deal! And I did feel sorry for the mouse.
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    dlplumerdlplumer Registered Users Posts: 8,081 Major grins
    edited May 28, 2008
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    GiphsubGiphsub Registered Users Posts: 2,662 Major grins
    edited May 28, 2008
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    PrescottPhotogPrescottPhotog Registered Users Posts: 1,174 Major grins
    edited May 28, 2008
    bfjr wrote:
    Nice update ylsuper.gif

    Hi Ben, Thanks for viewing and for your comment.
    Prescott Photog, Chris - " One Shot, One Still "
    Canon CPS Member
    SmugMug Pro User - www.PrescottOutdoors.net
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    PrescottPhotogPrescottPhotog Registered Users Posts: 1,174 Major grins
    edited May 28, 2008
    dbaker1221 wrote:
    :ivar excellent update shotsclap.gif

    Hi Dave, Thanks for the compliment. I'm having a heck of a time with the glare off the trees from the morning sun. If I adjust the exposure to take care of the glare the shadows from the leaves make the shot very dark.. ne_nau.gif

    I tried everything but from this distance plus stacking the extenders I don't have much to work with. Between the leaves, wind, sun and junior now running all over the nest I shot over 250 frames to get a few that didn't get blocked or over/underexposed and OOFrolleyes1.gifrolleyes1.gif
    Prescott Photog, Chris - " One Shot, One Still "
    Canon CPS Member
    SmugMug Pro User - www.PrescottOutdoors.net
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    PrescottPhotogPrescottPhotog Registered Users Posts: 1,174 Major grins
    edited May 28, 2008
    The mouse did not seem to be pleased! Great set Chris!

    Hi Glenn, No, I can imagine it wasn't to pleased to have a front row seat to its own demise..rolleyes1.gif When dad dropped it in front of junior he was on it like gravy at the KFC. I have a couple shots of dad giving it to the little one but they are mostly blocked by the blowing leaves. Oh well..ne_nau.gif
    Prescott Photog, Chris - " One Shot, One Still "
    Canon CPS Member
    SmugMug Pro User - www.PrescottOutdoors.net
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    PrescottPhotogPrescottPhotog Registered Users Posts: 1,174 Major grins
    edited May 28, 2008
    Maestro wrote:
    Spectacular! You really nailed the focus even though there were leaves and sticks with which to deal! And I did feel sorry for the mouse.

    Hi Stephen, Thanks for your compliments. It's getting tough to get a focused shot because I am shooting manual focus from such a great distance.

    Now that junior is getting his legs he is doing the Foxtrot all over the nest. I get focused then off he goes to the other side not stand in one spot for very long..rolleyes1.gif
    Prescott Photog, Chris - " One Shot, One Still "
    Canon CPS Member
    SmugMug Pro User - www.PrescottOutdoors.net
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    HarrybHarryb Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 22,708 Major grins
    edited May 28, 2008
    Wonderful set Chris captured under very challenging conditions. What you need to do is get a tall ladder and weed whacker to eliminate some of the obstructions. naughty.gif
    http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
    How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
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    PrescottPhotogPrescottPhotog Registered Users Posts: 1,174 Major grins
    edited May 29, 2008
    dlplumer wrote:
    Very great! clap.gifclap.gif

    Hi Dan, Thank you for your compliment and for viewing.
    Prescott Photog, Chris - " One Shot, One Still "
    Canon CPS Member
    SmugMug Pro User - www.PrescottOutdoors.net
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    Ric GrupeRic Grupe Registered Users Posts: 9,522 Major grins
    edited May 29, 2008
    Leaves or not...I'll take that last shot any day! thumb.gif

    I appreciate the time you take to post this event. :D
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    JavaLoverJavaLover Registered Users Posts: 306 Major grins
    edited May 29, 2008
    Aww, he's growing up, getting feathers like a big bird. Love the comentary with the photos, thanks!
    Canon 40D, stock lens and now a Canon 55mm-250mm f/4-5.6 IS.
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    DogdotsDogdots Registered Users Posts: 8,795 Major grins
    edited May 29, 2008
    These are just great clap.gif

    Momma needs to teach the "wee one" to wipe his mouth after eating :D

    I dislike mice....feel sorry for this one tho....looks like it see's what coming. Poor thing :cry
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    PrescottPhotogPrescottPhotog Registered Users Posts: 1,174 Major grins
    edited May 29, 2008
    Giphsub wrote:
    Cool set Chris! I love 6 & 9 clap.gif

    Hi Mike, Thank you for your compliments, it is a treat being able to follow this guy grow up.
    Prescott Photog, Chris - " One Shot, One Still "
    Canon CPS Member
    SmugMug Pro User - www.PrescottOutdoors.net
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    PrescottPhotogPrescottPhotog Registered Users Posts: 1,174 Major grins
    edited May 29, 2008
    Harryb wrote:
    Wonderful set Chris captured under very challenging conditions. What you need to do is get a tall ladder and weed whacker to eliminate some of the obstructions. naughty.gif

    Hi Harry,
    Thank you for your compliments. I think I would need a hook and ladder truck to reach the limb because the nest is about 75 feet off the ground. I never noticed it when she first started sitting on the nest because the tree was bare.

    I can't count how many times I have wished it away, cursed it, put a hex on it, thought of 1000 or more ways to try and get it out of the way and it is still there.. Oh well. I can guarantee it won't be there next year..rolleyes1.gifrolleyes1.gif
    Prescott Photog, Chris - " One Shot, One Still "
    Canon CPS Member
    SmugMug Pro User - www.PrescottOutdoors.net
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    coscorrosacoscorrosa Registered Users Posts: 2,284 Major grins
    edited May 29, 2008
    Wow! Incredible how quickly they grow! Very nice (and educational) set.
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    PrescottPhotogPrescottPhotog Registered Users Posts: 1,174 Major grins
    edited May 29, 2008
    Ric Grupe wrote:
    Leaves or not...I'll take that last shot any day! thumb.gif
    I appreciate the time you take to post this event. :D

    Hi Ric, Thank you for the compliments. I could watch the little guy for hours. I'm starting to think it might be a girl because of the dark brown chest feathers (not sure though). The last shot did turn out well. It was one of about 20 that I took trying to catch the head in front of the leaves.. this one worked.

    I'm enjoying posting the progress for all to see. It won't be long before it leaves the nest then I will be back to shooting ducks and vultures..rolleyes1.gifrolleyes1.gif
    Prescott Photog, Chris - " One Shot, One Still "
    Canon CPS Member
    SmugMug Pro User - www.PrescottOutdoors.net
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    PrescottPhotogPrescottPhotog Registered Users Posts: 1,174 Major grins
    edited May 29, 2008
    JavaLover wrote:
    Aww, he's growing up, getting feathers like a big bird. Love the comentary with the photos, thanks!

    Hi JavaLover.. Thanks for viewing, I'm glad you are enjoying watching it grow, I know I am.
    Prescott Photog, Chris - " One Shot, One Still "
    Canon CPS Member
    SmugMug Pro User - www.PrescottOutdoors.net
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    PrescottPhotogPrescottPhotog Registered Users Posts: 1,174 Major grins
    edited May 29, 2008
    Dogdots wrote:
    These are just great clap.gif

    Momma needs to teach the "wee one" to wipe his mouth after eating :D

    I dislike mice....feel sorry for this one tho....looks like it see's what coming. Poor thing :cry

    Hi Mary Kim, Thank you for the compliments. It's no fun if there isn't a little blood on beak..rolleyes1.gif The adults just swallow those little field mice whole, so no blood..rolleyes1.gif
    Prescott Photog, Chris - " One Shot, One Still "
    Canon CPS Member
    SmugMug Pro User - www.PrescottOutdoors.net
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    PrescottPhotogPrescottPhotog Registered Users Posts: 1,174 Major grins
    edited May 29, 2008
    coscorrosa wrote:
    Wow! Incredible how quickly they grow! Very nice (and educational) set.

    Hi Ron, I was really amazed when I saw the "not so little" little guy when I went to the nest. Then, on the last shot, when it stood on the edge of the nest I was really amazed that just 5 days earlier it was all fuzz.

    Thank you for the compliments.
    Prescott Photog, Chris - " One Shot, One Still "
    Canon CPS Member
    SmugMug Pro User - www.PrescottOutdoors.net
    NAPP Member..Click for Info
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