Nice to meet you.



  • colourblindcolourblind Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited May 23, 2008
    Who are ya?

    Hi my name is Dave

    Where are ya?

    I live in the northeast of England in the county of Northumberland near the town of Morpeth.....reputed to be one of the most beautiful parts of England (I'm sure some will disagree though lol)

    What do ya do?

    I'm a plate/screen maker for a firm who do high quality offset printing and I'm trying to "master" CS3 illustrator.

    How long shootin?

    on and off for 15 years but its my first Digital SLR after years on film

    Hobbist or Pro?

    rolleyes1.gif ohhh defiantly a hobbist

    What else?

    I'm a married man with 2 kids and a fantastic wife who has put up with me for nearly 15 years. my other hobbies are shooting clays and riding motorbikesmwink.gif
    sorry to say I bought a Olympus E-510,and its a great bit of kit.I know most of you guys and gals seem to have the mighty Cannon, But hey choice is what makes the world go around.
    iv been lurking for a while now but thought it was time to stand up and be counted in what is the best photography site iv seen.
  • qsjewlqsjewl Registered Users Posts: 101 Major grins
    edited May 23, 2008
    a little about me
    Who are ya?
    My name is Michele. I'm a wife/mom/daughter/sister/aunt....

    Where are ya?
    I'm in northern virginia; about 30 minutes south of DC. I'm originally from Texas and long to be back there! :cry

    What do ya do?
    what do I do....what don't I do!! I'm a domestic goddess! rolleyes1.gifI get the priviledge to raise my 4 kids (in other words, chase after them, pick up after them, shuttle them around to various activities, etc!). I only have 2 home during the day. I'm taking photography classes and (in my spare time, when I'm not sleeping) I help my husband with his electrical business.

    How long shootin?
    I started shooting after the birth of my first son (when I was a mere 17 years old!). Anyway, I used to take a picture of him everyday for the first day of his life. It was very interesting (and very expensive, since I used film!). I got my digital camera after the birth of my 3rd child and just wanted to learn more. Now I have a canon s3is and just recently bought a canon 40d in the hopes of getting much better.

    Hobbist or Pro?
    right now it's strictly a hobby but I do have dreams of becoming a pro eventually.

    What else?
    I also enjoy doing calligraphy and have incorporated it in with my photography stuff (newborn pics, with baby's info in calligraphy matted and framed).
  • ShudderzShudderz Registered Users Posts: 346 Major grins
    edited May 24, 2008
    Who are ya? I'm Heather, thirty-something wife and mother of two. Yesterday my husband and I celebrated 16 years of marriage. My daughter is 14 about to graduate as valedictorian of her Jr. High School. My son is 11 just finishing fifth grade.

    Where are ya? A little town called Kingsburg in the middle of California. Pictures of my little town can be found HERE.

    What do ya do? I opened a photography studio this past November. It is a decision I have no regrets about. I love every moment. I'm constantly striving to learn more and try new things.

    How long shootin? I've loved photography as long as I can remember. I bought my first SLR in 2005.

    Hobbist or Pro? I guess since I've opened a studio that makes me a pro? I now get paid to do what I can't get much better than that, right?

    What else? My business mission statement goes something like this.... God's plan is always bigger and better than mine. I need to trust Him and stay in His plan. I will give Him all the credit and give back absolutely everything that I can. He always has been and always will be faithful.

    The blessings I have seen for doing business this way are well beyond what I ever imagined. Even when something appears to have gone wrong....I have to trust. For example.....I worked a bridal expo this past January. They printed a directory of all the vendors. Under my name was another photographer's phone number. My number was no where in the directory. I could have very easily gotten angry and discouraged. forced me to meet the photographer whose number was listed under my name. We have since become friends and help each other out. When someone calls her to shoot a wedding and she's booked, she sends them my way. It was the biggest jump start to my new business and never would have happened without the error.

    As far as giving back...I work with a few different charities.

    I am an area coordinator for Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep. It is by far not an easy thing to do, but there is no greater gift I could give these families.

    I also shoot for Operation: Love ReUnited. I have enjoyed getting to meet the families that this organization has brought my way.

    There's a quote by an unknown that states, "The purpose of life is to discover your gift, the meaning of life is to give it away."

    Well, that's a bit about me....It's been great getting to know a bit about everyone on here.
    My Blog My Facebook Page
    GIVING BACK - How will you give?
    "I look at life outside of the lens and capture the world through it." -Thomas Robinson
  • eL eSs VeeeL eSs Vee Registered Users Posts: 1,243 Major grins
    edited May 25, 2008
    Who are ya? The name's Lee. That's also what I go by, since it is my name. (My user name is my initials.) I'm 44 and never been married. That's not me in my avatar: It's Robert Benchley.

    Where are ya? La Puente, CA. Known for absolutely nothing.

    What do ya do? I work in a warehouse earning less than I should. Where I work has been hit hard by the housing market. I hope the company survives. If it doesn't, while I'm looking for a new job I'll also be spending as much time as possible trying to get paying photography work and learning even more about this passion of ours. I have a friend who's starting a vintage suits company. We have a deal: When he starts making money, I start making money. mwink.gif

    How long shootin? I started shooting in '84, and was instantly hooked. I almost bought myself a disk camera (remember those!?) but instead I bought a Pentax ME Super that eventually got me into the school photo studio. I later got a Nikon FE2. With those, I shot portfolios for beginning models, and a few of them went on to actual print work. More of them went on to runway work. Most of them just went into my portfolio. I stopped shooting in the mid nineties, because of a job that took a lot of time: I was often gone six days a week, so I needed day seven to rest. I missed it more than I can say.

    Hobbist or Pro? Wanna-be pro but just a hobbyist, for now.

    What else? I bought a Nikon D40x with a Tamron 18-250 AF zoom back in February, and it's the best thing I've done for myself in years! Until I got this camera, I'd spend most of my weekends sitting at home surfing the 'net or watching TV. Not anymore! Now my weekends are full of fun and frolic and meeting new people. I love shooting just about anything. I've been to the Renaissance Faire four times this year - I usually go once every venue change. Yesterday, I took pictures at a back yard bar-be-que attended by a group of freinds who like vintage clothing, cars, homes, music, etc. (Two weeks ago I photographed about twenty of them at a '30s themed picnic at Griffith Park.) Today, I shot pictures of the Hsi Lai Buddhist Temple in Hacienda Heights, CA, with a few members of LA SHOOTERS. Tomorrow, I deliver pictures that I took of a friend's new car. In a couple weeks, I'll be taking pictures for a couple actresses who are just starting out - one of them is paying me, the other I'm photographing to repay some help she gave me for one of Nikolai's assignments. I love being back in photography. I also like classic cars and reading anything I can get my hands on.

    That's me in a nutshell.

    My SmugMug Gallery
    My Facebook

    "If you've found a magic that does something for you, honey, stick to it. Never change it." - Mae West, to Edith Head.
    "Every guy has to have one weakness - and it might as well be a good one." - Shell Scott: Dance With the Dead by Richard S. Prather
  • LUCKYSHOTLUCKYSHOT Registered Users Posts: 120 Major grins
    edited May 26, 2008
    Who are ya?
    40yr old married dad of two 8 and 9yr old
    Where are ya?
    Exactly where I need to be, on the center (sorta) of Long Island
    What do ya do?
    Fix trains at night, sleep or hang out with kids during the day, photography in evenings
    How long shootin?
    Just about forever. on and off ( I say forever, because after recently turning forty, I am feeling old)
    Hobbist or Pro?
    Well I do make money at this (sports and events), but if we are talking about the photography I love, (nature) Then I would consider myself a hobbyist with much to learn
    What else?headscratch.gif
    Recently quit smoking and gained 20 pounds, I love Cheese, Bacon and Big Macs. They would be the three food groups if I had my say. I am a huge Dgrin Lurker, though I rarely post. Veteran of War in Iraq. hugely sentimantal and nostalgic and a lover of country music

    all the best
    No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

  • JAGJAG Super Moderators Posts: 9,088 moderator
    edited May 26, 2008
    lil o who me is....
    Who are ya? Joyce from JAG Creations. Wife to one man for going on 25 years in a couple months. Have 4 kids and a son in law...all still living at home. The oldest is 23 and the youngest is 9.
    Where are ya? Living in Alaska. I plan on dying here.
    What do ya do? A true artist at heart with many mediums...but photography and digital are are my favs.
    How long shootin? I have been shooting for over 34 years of freelance shooting with 11 weddings and lots of parties and fundraisers. I sell my prints to people who just want to buy them and they have gone to auction too.
    Hobbist or Pro? an extreme hobbiest who could be considered pro since I have sold alot of my work.
    What else? I have a Nikon D300 and a D50. Studio lights (strobe and hotlights) and a room as a studio set up. Lots of summer coming up with lots of activity!~Joyce
  • VelvtRideVelvtRide Registered Users Posts: 364 Major grins
    edited May 26, 2008
    Who are ya?
    My name is Heidi. Single, living in sin, 39 y/o with no kids. That's me in my avatar.

    Where are ya?
    I currently live in Arkansas. I travel a little over 250 days a year for my job and for fun.

    What do ya do?
    I'm a Marketing Director for an offroad event promoter. We organize stuff like this:


    How long shootin?
    Not long. I have a Canon 10D I bought about 4 yrs ago and am just getting into using it and understanding it's capabilities. I'm in awe of the wonderful photographers on this site.

    Hobbist or Pro?
    I would enjoy becoming a professional at some point, but I have a loooooooong way to go. :D In the meantime, I'm having a great time shooting for fun.

    What else?
    I ride a motorcycle and am a member of ADVrider. I like to read, travel, ride, take pics, work on computers and research history/technology.
  • HoratioHoratio Registered Users Posts: 6 Big grins
    edited May 27, 2008
    SaltFork wrote:

    What do ya do?
    Mechanical Engineer / Inventor (here's one of my inventions)

    How cool! Now we know the inventor of those barriers. :D
  • ifocusifocus Registered Users Posts: 161 Major grins
    edited May 30, 2008
    Ifocus is Jean-Yves
    Who are ya?
    I am Jean-Yves, 42 years old . Father of two marvelous daugthers. French is my first language as I am born in the french part of Canada (Quebec).

    Where are ya?
    I currently live in living in Sarnia, ON, Canada. 1 minutes from Port Huron, MI.

    What do ya do?
    I'm a project manager, chemical engineer. I am working in a consulting engineering firm mostly in the Oil & Gas sector.

    291450693_WMCyM-M.jpgHow long shootin?
    Really seriously... 2 years.

    Hobbist or Pro?
    A passionate hobbist. I want to learn so much, sometimes it is not just fast enough.

    What else?
    I am an avid cyclist, I used to race mountain bike but stopped. I aim to stay in shape. Of course, I carry my camera even on my bike! Love nature.

    Nice to read about evey body,


  • leaforteleaforte Registered Users Posts: 1,948 Major grins
    edited May 30, 2008
    indiegirl wrote:
    See? Isn't this fun?

    Very cool.
    Growing with Dgrin

  • MissAdventureMissAdventure Registered Users Posts: 8 Beginner grinner
    edited May 31, 2008
    Who are ya?
    My name is Megan. I am 15 years old. Almost a Junior in High School.

    Where are ya?
    Sacramento, California

    What do ya do?
    I am a student and thats about it.

    How long shootin?
    About five years now and for the rest of my life.

    Hobbist or Pro?
    A hobbist but one day a pro.

    What else?
    Photography is extremly important to me. I plan to go to the Art Institute for my college and major in photography and minnor in graphic technology or something around there. I think im an okay photographer and I have seen my experience grow over the years. I hope I can look back 10 years from now and be proud of my early experience.
  • VelvtRideVelvtRide Registered Users Posts: 364 Major grins
    edited May 31, 2008
    Who are ya?
    My name is Megan. I am 15 years old. Almost a Junior in High School.

    Where are ya?
    Sacramento, California

    What do ya do?
    I am a student and thats about it.

    How long shootin?
    About five years now and for the rest of my life.

    Hobbist or Pro?
    A hobbist but one day a pro.

    What else?
    Photography is extremly important to me. I plan to go to the Art Institute for my college and major in photography and minnor in graphic technology or something around there. I think im an okay photographer and I have seen my experience grow over the years. I hope I can look back 10 years from now and be proud of my early experience.

    Hi, Megan. I applaud your motivation and dedication to photography. bowdown.gif Much luck to you in your college/career advancement - I'm sure you'll do very well. thumb.gif
  • MissAdventureMissAdventure Registered Users Posts: 8 Beginner grinner
    edited May 31, 2008
    VelvtRide wrote:
    Hi, Megan. I applaud your motivation and dedication to photography. bowdown.gif Much luck to you in your college/career advancement - I'm sure you'll do very well. thumb.gif

    Howdy Heidi. My dad [larryboy] also says hi. He wants to know if you're
    still in New Mexico?
  • silverdigitsilverdigit Registered Users Posts: 4 Beginner grinner
    edited May 31, 2008
    Who are ya?
    My name is Roger and I am a single dad to three lively boys aged 10, 8 and 4.
    Where are ya?
    I live in Worcester, the UK version, which is central England.
    What do ya do?
    What apart from run around like a blue arsed fly after my boys! lol I am the taxi firm, the chef, the nurse, the team leader and knackered. Oh and I am a photographer as well.
    How long shootin?
    I have been taking shots for as long as I can remember. I started with a Ricoh KR10 then switched to Canon and currently use a 350D with a 17 - 85 IS USM lens and Tamron 70 - 300. I like shootin virtually anything but I think kids are my favorite subject, and I get plenty of practice. If you want to meet them they are the boys in the header graphics on my site www, (its not totally finished yet).
    Hobbist or Pro?
    I have been playing around with photography for years now and have shot several weddings as a 'friend' (for friend read free!) so I thought I might make a few quid as people seem to like my stuff so I just made the decision to go pro. Scary place!
    What else?
    That's about all folks!
  • VelvtRideVelvtRide Registered Users Posts: 364 Major grins
    edited May 31, 2008
    Howdy Heidi. My dad [larryboy] also says hi. He wants to know if you're
    still in New Mexico?

    Megan!!! clap.gif

    I'm glad to know this is you! How awesome is this?! wings.gif

    Tell your dad, yes we are. Sept in Cougar Buttes for the finals and we hope to see him(and you, this time!) again. :D

    I'm looking forward to seeing your pictures, sweety! wave.gif
  • MissAdventureMissAdventure Registered Users Posts: 8 Beginner grinner
    edited June 1, 2008
    VelvtRide wrote:
    Megan!!! clap.gif

    I'm glad to know this is you! How awesome is this?! wings.gif

    Tell your dad, yes we are. Sept in Cougar Buttes for the finals and we hope to see him(and you, this time!) again. :D

    I'm looking forward to seeing your pictures, sweety! wave.gif

    Thanks!! I am looking forward to it too!!
  • FelineFeline Registered Users Posts: 25 Big grins
    edited June 3, 2008
    Who are you?
    My name is Maria, I am 45 years old, mother of 2 grown up children and proud grandmother. I was born in Germany, but I have lived in the UK for many years now.
    Where are you?
    My partner and I live in Wales (UK), with our 2 Siberian Huskies named Odin and Banshee. We love Huskies...!!!...and we love being here in Wales..!!!
    What do you do?
    I am a Translator for English and German
    How long shooting?
    I got my first digital camera last year, for an early birthday present. I love it and have taken many photographs of many things, especially in the fields of Nature and Wildlife. I used to take a lot of photographs, when the children were younger, but never really got into the art of developing in dark rooms etc. I thought of enlisting in a College Course, but sadly never got round to doing it. Well, there's no need anymore. My laptop does it all for me...I love modern technology.
    Hobbist or Pro?
    I have to say Hobbist....there's a lot to learn....( ..aiming to be Pro one day..)
    What else?
    At the same time as I got my first digital camera, I also acquired my first laptop comuter, so my computer knowledge is pretty basic, but with a little practice here and there, I usually manage to combine the two pretty well, I think. ....learning all the time and making loads of mistakes...but hey, we have to start somewhere...
    Kind regards, Feline :photo
  • hschlessphotohschlessphoto Registered Users Posts: 207 Major grins
    edited June 4, 2008
    Who are ya?
    I'm Hank. Age 16

    Where are ya?
    Greenwich, CT

    What do ya do?
    Well tchnically a student, but school gout out today! so I'm a caddy from this wekeend through August

    How long shootin?
    Hmm. If that means having my own camera, then since Columbus day '05. If it means taking my $5 plastic film camera to my sister's high School Crew Regattas, then about age 9

    Hobbist or Pro?
    Hobbist dying to make it as a pro. If you have any connections who could set me up in the future/I could work for, shoot me a PM :D :mlane

    What else?
    i LOVE photography, it's become a part of my life. My camera is a part of me as much as my arms and legs. Sports Illustrated is my dream job, but I know it could take a VERY long time to get there. Dont' really know what else to say hah. so yeah, thats me.

    Follow me on Instagram! @hankschlessphoto

    Nikon D90, 85mm f/1.8, 18-70mm f/3.5, 70-300mm f/4.5, Nikon SB-800, MX-600 tripod
  • wholenewlightwholenewlight Registered Users Posts: 1,529 Major grins
    edited June 4, 2008
    Who are ya?
    I'm John, a little over 50 (but I believe I'm only 35), married to a great wife for 30 years, three wonderful married daughters and 4 grandchildren.

    Where are ya?
    Lancaster PA - home of Amish farmers and next door neighbor of Hershey PA (where chocolate comes from). I've lived here for 18 years. I've also lived in Atlanta GA, Salt Lake City UT, and San Francisco CA

    What do ya do?
    I sell stuff. Actually, I lead a team of channel managers - that means we get others to sell our company's stuff. The company is Brocade and we build products (software and hardware) to store data - lots and lots of data. I travel a lot on business - over 100k air miles per year. Most of the time a camera goes with me.

    How long shootin?
    A long, long time. When I was 16, I had trouble finding a summer job. So I begged my parents for a loan to buy darkroom equipment. Then I used dad's Minolta SR-7 (which I had already adopted) to hustle neighborhood parents into letting me do kid and family pictures for $$. Later, wedding photography helped pay for college. I took a long break from shooting but dSLR cameras peaked my interest and I'm back. I tend to be obsessive/compulsive about my interests and hobbies. I'm currently obsessed!

    Hobbist or Pro?
    I've got a small side photo business with all the legal requirements but have a hard time calling myself a pro. A pro, in my mind, has to shoot to pay the monthly bills. Long ago I found out that photography is a whole lot more fun when you don't have to do it.

    What else?
    Other loves, Movies (favorite, "Empire of the Sun", a non-famous Spielberg), Music (everything from Vivaldi to Vampire Weekend. . .), Fly Fishing (but not so much the last 10 years), volunteer work at church, Handcycling (google it!).

    Also, I walk with prosthetic legs and crutches - for 48 years, condition caused from a birth defect (PFFD - you can google that one too if you choose). 6 years ago I broke my leg at a bike race. Hershey Med doctors told me that they'd never seen someone with a condition exactly like mine that was so mobile and active at near 50 yrs old. I was surprised at the comments and wondered how that was possible. Luck? Great parents who pushed me and encouraged me? A wife and children who believe I'm better than I really am and make me want to push my potential? Blessings from a loving creator? I'll pick "all-of-the-above" and smile!
    john w

    I knew, of course, that trees and plants had roots, stems, bark, branches and foliage that reached up toward the light. But I was coming to realize that the real magician was light itself.
    Edward Steichen

  • JusticeiroJusticeiro Registered Users Posts: 1,177 Major grins
    edited June 4, 2008
    Who are ya?

    Ryan Davis, also known as Sun-Ra, the love supreme, but only by myself and one other dude when we are really drunk.

    Where are ya?

    Jersey City, New Jersey, for 10 more days. Then I am moving to Mannheim, Germany.

    What do ya do?

    As of two weeks ago, unemployed. I am following my wife to Germany in order to live off the sweat of her brow.

    How long shootin?

    4 years with the digital, on and off for 10 (when I could afford it).

    Hobbist or Pro?

    Prohobbiest. Or perhaps "Hofressional." I have sold some stuff, but my technique still sucks. I am a better writer than photographer.

    What else?

    I love moon pies and RC cola. I don't speak German. I am currently surrounded by Yankees. My mother is from Tennessee, and my father is from Rochester, so I am not sure how I feel about that. The first haircut I remember getting was from a convicted murderer, when I was 8 years old, in the Tennessee State Prison in Nashville.
    Cave ab homine unius libri
  • ccijrccijr Registered Users Posts: 3 Beginner grinner
    edited June 4, 2008
    Who are ya?

    My name is Clay. I've been married for almost 3 years (second time around) and have a 14 year old daughter. I'm barely hanging on to my 30s (about 7 months to go :cry ).

    Where are ya?
    Abita Springs, Louisiana, about 40 miles north of New Orleans. Born and raised a southern boy. Surrounded by seafood but don't like the stuff.

    What do ya do?

    I am an Inventory Control Manager for a defense contractor. Been there 18 years supplying our troops with the vehicles they need to survive overseas.

    How long shootin?

    Many years, but only really got "serious" the last year or so when I bought my 20D. Set up my Smugmug account in April.

    Hobbist or Pro?

    Hobbiest for sure, Pro wannabe. I hope to "retire" from my day job in a couple of years and do this full time. Nothing makes me happier than photography, although happy doesn't pay the bills!

    What else?

    Hurricane Katrina was a huge turning point in my life. After losing every possession as well as my house (including all my non-digital photos) and having to start life anew at 36, I gained a new perspective on the things I had taken for granted. I look at the small things in life much differently now and appreciate that which I have much more than I used to.
  • jeffmeyersjeffmeyers Registered Users Posts: 1,535 Major grins
    edited June 5, 2008
    Who are ya?
    Jeff Meyers, 51 yrs old, married 29 years, 4 children

    Where are ya?
    St. Louis, MO

    What do ya do?
    Presbyterian minister and author

    How long shootin?
    34 years—ever since High School photography class. Had two years of fine art photography classes in college in the 70's (mostly B&W film and darkroom classes)

    Hobbist or Pro?
    Just an Amateur

    What else?
    Other interests and hobbies: reading, walking, guns and ammo, target shooting, hunting, computers, etc.

    Jeff Meyers
    My Best Galleries
    More Photography . . . Less Photoshop [. . . except when I do it]
    Jeff Meyers
  • WomanWithACameraWomanWithACamera Registered Users Posts: 102 Major grins
    edited June 7, 2008
    Who Are Ya?

    I'm Anna. Married 29 years, and getting ready to turn 49 next month. Have two wonderful grown up kids.

    Where Are Ya?

    I live in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin. A Suburb of Milwaukee

    What Do You Do?

    Queen of laziness! :D

    How Long Shootin?

    I have been taking pictures all my life, but never got serious about it until
    a few years ago when I had my tonsils out. Don't ever get your tonsils out
    at age 46... OUCH! It gave me something to do, to forget about the pain.

    You'll always know the photographer in the family. How many pictures are you actually
    in that you didn't take yourself? :)

    Hobbyist Or Pro?

    I will have to say hobbyist. I love photography and it has become my passion. I am still learning new things everyday. I love to mess around in photoshop. Someday I hope to get to the level of being a pro.

    What else?

    I love the outdoors. Just about every day you will find me outside with camera in tow! I love nature and hiking about to see what I can find to take pictures of.

    I am new to smugmug, and find the photos in this community simply outstanding.
    :D A Smile A Day...Keeps The Uglies Away. :D
  • DeanMcMDeanMcM Registered Users Posts: 265 Major grins
    edited June 7, 2008
    Who are ya?
    Dean Mcmanus, 41 yrs old, married 15 years, 2 children

    Where are ya?
    Sullivan County NY

    What do ya do?
    Director of IT

    How long shootin?
    On and off for about 10 years. have not been shooting for about a year now, getting back into it with new Rebel Xsi. thumb.gif

    Hobbist or Pro?
    Just an Amateur

    What else?
    Other interests and hobbies: traveling, reading, walking, target shooting, computers, etc.
    Dean - New York
    Canon Rebel Xsi, Fuji FinePix F10
  • papawpapaw Registered Users Posts: 32 Big grins
    edited June 7, 2008
    Who are ya?
    My name is Noel. I'm a 65 1/2 year old guy relearning photo skills.

    Where are ya?
    Texas, just south of Houston.

    What do ya do?
    I am currently a night dispatcher in a trucking company that I have been with in several capacities for at least 15 years.
    How long shootin?
    Since teens, more seriously while in Africa in the Peace Corps 40 years ago. Took all the family photos for years, but quit a few years ago. Ebay selling got me back into taking pictures, so now I have a Canon and shoot almost every day.

    Hobbist or Pro
    I've done freelance photography work in the old days, but not lately. Serious amateur now, even trying to sell a few. PapawsImages

    What else?
    I buy and sell vintage tools, especially wrenches, on my website, Papawswrench and on Ebay.
    I like old cars, trucks, and trains.
    No tool like an old tool!
  • TommyboyTommyboy Registered Users Posts: 590 Major grins
    edited June 7, 2008
    Who are ya?

    Tom Moran

    Where are ya?

    Bakersfield, CA, a transplant from a lifetime in Southern California.

    What do ya do?

    Teach at a community college. My training is in teaching English—writing specifically—but through a series of absurdly fortunate circumstances, find myself teaching ASL, American Sign Language.

    I also work as a freelance sign language interpreter.

    How long shootin?

    Just a hair over 30 years, and that's consistently. I got my start when I was recruited to work on my high school yearbook staff. Spent about 10 years (the 1980s, more-or-less) working in the industry: three camera shops, Tokina, Minolta, and Nikon.

    Hobbyist or Pro?

    Hobbyist all the way. I've earned money shooting, but it takes all the fun out of it. I work to earn money to shoot to have fun.

    What else?

    Very happily married. I'll be a first-time dad in about eight weeks. I enjoy motorcycle touring and belong to the BMW MOA; I'm a minor mod on their website. I recently took up pipe smoking and purchased my first Dunhill today.

    Nice to meet you.
    "Press the shutter when you are sure of success." —Kim Jong-il

    NEW Smugmug Site
  • esc2476esc2476 Registered Users Posts: 354 Major grins
    edited August 24, 2010
    Thought I would have a little fun and top this thread. thumb.gif

    Who are ya?

    Eric Crusius

    Where are ya?

    Alexandria, Virginia, but am a transplanted NY'er via Williamsburg, VA. We moved to the DC area with my wife and I getting jobs here.

    What do ya do?

    Attorney specializing in government contracts, but have extensive commercial litigation experience (if you Google my name in Google Scholar (cases and opinions) you can see all the fun I've had in the past 10 years). While being an attorney allows be to be creative, photography is a different kind of creative outlet.

    How long shootin?

    With a dSLR, since 2006, though I have loved taking pictures since I can remember - I am 34 now.

    Hobbyist or Pro?

    Hobbyist. I am lucky enough to enjoy my career and my hobby almost equally in different ways.

    What else?

    I have been married for a little more than two years. My wife and I were really lucky to buck the economic trend and both find good jobs recently. We will hopefully be buying a house early next year or so, so money for photography will have to take somewhat of a back seat for now; though my photography will not iloveyou.gif

    Fun fact - I was on a kids TV game show in 1989. Someone (I have no idea who) uploaded it to YouTube:

    Part 1:
    Part 2:
    Part 3:

    Nice to meet you.
  • indiegirlindiegirl Registered Users Posts: 930 Major grins
    edited August 24, 2010
    Yay! I'm so happy to see this still going...
  • lizzard_nyclizzard_nyc Registered Users Posts: 4,056 Major grins
    edited August 24, 2010
    indiegirl wrote: »
    Yay! I'm so happy to see this still going...

    Don't know how I missed this! I'm about to the middle, but I will go back later tonight and finish up:)

    Who are you:
    Mirtha Elizabeth Alarcon-Arocena Vargas LaVayen--but you can call me Liz or lizzard_nyc. I'm 39, married 11 years and have two kids and until recently a beloved cat named Mackie (see Mackie's story here:

    Where are you:
    NYC the great Borough of Queens. Born here, raised in Bolivia and Texas and moved back here in 1996. Let's not get into the confusion that followed me getting transferred from a Catholic school in NYC to a Baptist school in TX--I could write a book about it:)

    What do you do:
    I'm a medical malpractice insurance adjuster.

    How long shooting:
    I got my first DSLR July 4th weekend of 2009--so a little over a year and I joined dgrin for advise on which camera to get and to learn how to get past the "switch to on" phase.

    Hobby or Pro:
    Lover of everything photography related, my main interests are street/pj but I love the challenges forum and I lurk in all the others. I have my first child portrait session coming up in two weeks so who knows where that will lead--the sky's the limit.

    what else:
    I love the following aside from the obvious--,food carts,nyc dirtywater dogs, coffee, devildogs, biscuits and gravy, Dr. Pepper, TrueTV, coaching little league, The Big Lebowsky, the local train, the New York Yankees, properly parallel parking in a tight spot, stick shift cars ( I miss mine), spongebob, good books, broken meters, the Oak tree in my backyard, the beach, my son's french toast on Sundays, and the list goes on.

    I hate:
    getting flipped off when takin street shots, getting shoved on the train, the smell of a hot muggy subway platform in August, shows like The Jersey Shore, meter maids (I know it's their job), looking for parking on alternate side of the street parking days, the Red Sox, Christmas music in September, and the list goes on.
    Liz A.
  • lkbartlkbart Registered Users Posts: 1,912 Major grins
    edited August 24, 2010
    I didn't know this was here either. Nice to "meet" all of you. So here I am:

    Who are ya? Lillian - I'd like to say I'm 39 too, but that would just be a lie. Let's just say I'm old enough to have been quite happily married to a great guy for 27 years & have 2 kids who are now both in college.

    Where are ya? I live in the country south of Derby, Kansas - all my life (south of Wichita for anybody who doesn't live in Kansas)

    What do ya do? Legal assistant & office manager by education (& prior jobs); bookkeeper, musician, photographer & costumer by current jobs/income

    How long shootin? Have had some type of camera since I was a teen, used mainly for shots of vacations, holidays & kids. Started shooting my daughter's dance performances a few years back with a P&S & not much luck, but the luck changed as I got a better camera, and my shots got better when I upgraded last year - a fast lens makes SO MUCH difference in low light! So now I shoot performances for the ballet company, do some senior photo shoots, have done a few dance resume & head shot photos, have done a couple weddings for friends & recently was part of an exhibit where I actually sold a couple pieces of artwork!

    Hobbist or Pro? I probably fit in right between the two, so I guess I consider myself semi-pro. No official education, just tons of reading & practicing. Thank goodness for digital cameras - I never had the patience to work on photo skills with film, guess I need the instant feedback to tell me if I'm on the right track. With the camera I got last year, I have been experimenting with shooting manual, something I never even considered before, but now I have trouble shooting in program modes - they limit what settings I can adjust!

    What else? I enjoy animals - we keep saltwater fish in a 300 gallon system with 2 tanks & a sump & some soft corals. We also have 3 cats & I work part time for a vet clinic (bookkeeper only - I don't do blood & guts). I love watching dance performances (mainly ballet) and working with the dancers. I volunteer for the ballet working on costumes and props. I've redecorated every room in my house (a few twice), and I've landscaped a good part of our large yard, which is working out well for taking senior pictures! I also love jamming with my friends. We play bluegrass (I play fiddle & mandolin mostly), & I have sworn to myself that I'm going to get some shots of the entertainers at the Walnut Valley Bluegrass Festival this year, coming up in September - we've been to it for almost 30 years & have maybe 3 or 4 photos from each year of our campsite.
    A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
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