New computer selection

lightyearlightyear Registered Users Posts: 185 Major grins
edited June 10, 2008 in Digital Darkroom
I have just (finally)entered the digital from the film world and recognize I must upgrade my ancient desktop. I have the new hardware requirements fairly well established (computer, large LCD, etc.) but have run up against the Vista vs. XP Pro problem. My existing system, with much legacy software(which I prefer to retain) and my own XP Pro(transferable) could be transferred to a new custom built system, or to the still available Dell XP machines, but I have found conflicting information as to Vista. HP machines now only come with Vista, and Dell is fully swtiching very soon, and I prefer a factory unit for the service and warranty.Some articles opine that all is transferable and usable and that Vista, as XP replacement, operates better than XP. Others say it does not. It is clear now that many writers have not actually made the switch to Vista and are resisting it, and writing about something that they really have not tested. I don't want to make a BIG mistake, and would appreciate DGrinner's knowledgable comments. Thanks.


  • RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,012 moderator
    edited June 8, 2008
    I don't want to get into the Vista vs. XP debate, not to mention OS-X. Tons of commentary is available on the issues, and I'm sure more will follow on this thread. Here's something you should consider: a number of manufacturers (including Dell and HP, I believe) are including a "downgrade" option on new machines with Vista business versions. You have the option to install XP Pro from a disk they provide. You should check on the warranty details, as I am not sure how that works. You don't want to have to re-install Vista if the machine should need service. rolleyes1.gif
  • photodougphotodoug Registered Users Posts: 870 Major grins
    edited June 8, 2008
    vista does, go for it.

    consider: check compatibility of any apps you are married to...that's the deal killer.
  • Art ScottArt Scott Registered Users Posts: 8,959 Major grins
    edited June 9, 2008
    One thing you can do if a machine comes with Vista is to purchase a secondary HDD......... remove the hdd that came with vista....... put in new hdd and install WIN XP plus all of your software...... now you have a new XP machine and if it goes belly up all you need to do is swap HDD's to send in for warranty work.
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  • Ric GrupeRic Grupe Registered Users Posts: 9,522 Major grins
    edited June 9, 2008
    Art Scott wrote:
    ......... remove the hdd that came with vista....... put in new hdd and install WIN XP ...... about BIOS settings? headscratch.gif
  • cmasoncmason Registered Users Posts: 2,506 Major grins
    edited June 9, 2008
    Well to be honest, I have NO, ZERO, NOTTA issue with Vista. Everything I have put on it ran like a charm. No difference in performance, no driver issues nothing. Everything from printer to camera to Lightroom to CS2 runs just fine. I understand there are supposed to be issues with CS2, but also read the issues were with some features I don't use.

    (BTW, I use a Mac mostly for photography work).

    Don't be afraid of Vista. I don't understand the press, it is silly. I will remind others that XP was 'horribly incompatible' when it came out as was...dare I say it.....Max OS X.
  • NikonsandVstromsNikonsandVstroms Registered Users Posts: 990 Major grins
    edited June 9, 2008
    Dell officially has said they will be doing the downgrades. As for a computer to pick check out the Dell outlet and their precision workstations. I picked one up for a song deal.gif
  • lightyearlightyear Registered Users Posts: 185 Major grins
    edited June 9, 2008
    Replacement, compatibility
    I am not going to buy a new computer,replace its hard disc drive and operating system, and hope that it will work properly. Warranties & factory service(the reason to buy a factory built computer) are then voided.

    I have not found any source that can tell me what my existing XP compatible legacy software is compatible with Vista, with Microsoft being the most useless, but Dell could only say to buy their Vista machines and "see what happens".They said that much of the new software that is being released will be Vista and not XP compatible, but I suspect that the two people who told me really had no solid data to support their contention.
    I appreciate the DGrin comments, but hope that someone else will comment on his experience with Vista. Thanks.
  • cmasoncmason Registered Users Posts: 2,506 Major grins
    edited June 10, 2008
    Lightyear: what apps do you have questions about? I have a HP Vista laptop, and while I dont have a huge amount of software, I can try to help you with my experience.

    But, I gave the laptop to my wife, not because of Vista, which I was happy with, but because I wanted a new desktop with a big monitor for really serious photography work.

    I chose to go with with an iMac. I did this for two reasons: 1) a refurb 24" iMac was about the same $$ as a Dell plus a 24" IPS monitor (iMac 24" is IPS monitor), and 2) well I wanted to try something new, you know the geek in me. Given that I can run VMWare Fusion with Windows on it, there is no risk in this decision. That was it. Mac isnt 'better' in fact, the experience is nearly the same, since I mostly use apps, not the OS. Some nice apps do ship with the Mac.
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