
Slideshow click taking me to gallery w/o banner??? Help please

JAMDIVERSJAMDIVERS Registered Users Posts: 16 Big grins
edited August 16, 2008 in SmugMug Support
Hello all,

This is my very first post, as I am a Smugmug newbie (with NO coding experience....bet ya never heard that one before! LOL:rofl ). But I have been reading and learning on my own along the way. I'm just a little stuck now, after 3 days.

Anyway, when someone gets a chance, I would really appreciate some assistance. Here's the first issue:

1) When I click on any random picture scrolling in my slideshow, it does takes me to the correct gallery (yea!). However, it shows the SM header and not my custom banner. I set the custom banner to show on all the pages, and the custom banner shows up correctly if you use the navbar and click on Photo Gallery. I have tried reloading the link, but it's not changing the SM header to my banner.

2) I would like to change the font on the following verbage (above my slideshow) but am unsure how. Is there a list of fonts somewhere that I can reference and try different types?

Here's what is inside the box and thanks again!

Welcome to my new online photo gallery!
Please stay awhile and enjoy the view... :)
var ssConfig = {
AlbumID: '5681901',
newWindow: 'false',
randomStart: 'true',
transparent: 'true',
splash: 'http://www.smugmug.com/img/spacer.gif',
showLogo: 'false',
clickUrl: 'http://www.smugmug.com/gallery/5681901_tkAge#350097201_v3sZB',
showThumbs: 'false',
showButtons: 'false',
crossFadeSpeed: '350'

SM.flash.insertSlideshow(700, 550, ssConfig, 'transparent');

Visit my site at www.jamdivers.com


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