Pantone Huey or Huey Pro

Which would you recommend?
Pantone Huey
Pantone Huey Pro
What is the difference between them?
Any SmugMug Club discounts?
Pantone Huey
Pantone Huey Pro
What is the difference between them?
Any SmugMug Club discounts?
Johnny J. Chin ~ J. Chin Photography
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I originally had the standard huey .....Then I upload huey pro and the big difference was the range of colour......More grays for better management....
Standard huey will not handle multiple monitors so that was definitely a deal breaker for me.
be very wary of the Hueys and alot of us on here got bad copies again...I waited several months to order mine so that all the bad copies would be out of the system but was not so lucky....a couple of weeks ago I was sent an eye one LT to replace the Huey from Pantone/Xrite and the email said they were not shipping any more Hueys until the problem gets solved (I hope they are true to there the Huey is very simple to use....)
Good Luck
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Canon 50D, 30D and Digital Rebel (plus some old friends - FTB and AE1)
Long-time amateur.....wishing for more time to play
Autocross and Track junkie