
Shot in RAW...now what?

shatchshatch Registered Users Posts: 798 Major grins
edited September 27, 2008 in The Dgrin Challenges
Out taking some photos yesterday. Shot in RAW. Will that disqualify these photos as it would not be possible for the actual entry to show date shot and modified to be the same?

What if I took a screen capture of the meta data for the shot and posted that with the photo? How would you be able to know if it wasn't Photoshopped? Would it be best just to go back out and shoot jpeg?

I really like some of the shots I took and I wouldn't be able to replicate them. Your advice?

NOTE: Just learned something else. I uploaded some jpg photos out of Lightroom using the Export option SMUGMUG feature and selected "Original" file. When you look at the EXIF date in SMUGMUG, it shows the "Taken" and "Modified" date as two different dates. So, make sure you use a different upload method to keep your metadata pure. I did the "drag and drop" option and it worked just fine.


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    LiquidAirLiquidAir Registered Users Posts: 1,751 Major grins
    edited September 27, 2008
    The best I can think of to do use your camera's software to do a RAW conversion on default settings. With the Canon software that is an emulation of the in camera processing and should look the same as if you shot JPEG. I am not sure about the Nikon software, but you would think it too would have a camera emulation mode.

    Of course, I am not an official voice, so take my comments with a grain of salt.
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    shatchshatch Registered Users Posts: 798 Major grins
    edited September 27, 2008
    LiquidAir wrote:
    The best I can think of to do use your camera's software to do a RAW conversion on default settings. With the Canon software that is an emulation of the in camera processing and should look the same as if you shot JPEG. I am not sure about the Nikon software, but you would think it too would have a camera emulation mode.

    Of course, I am not an official voice, so take my comments with a grain of salt.

    Thanks LiquidAir for the thought. Would that show a change of Exif Data? I guess it really boils down to an honor system since you could go in and change the exif data manually through other ways anyway.
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    shatchshatch Registered Users Posts: 798 Major grins
    edited September 27, 2008
    Amazing what you can find if you look for it...

    Already posted by Greensquared
    "Okay, let's not nitpick this one to death. Straight out of the camera means no post processing. If you feel you're shot is "straight out of the camera" by using any and all functions your camera has available, then great. That wouldn't be my personal interpretation, but the main point is getting it right when you pull the trigger, not "fixing it" afterwards. I'm not setting rules about RAW vs. jpeg, just go shoot, no pp, have fun and learn!"
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    richterslrichtersl Registered Users Posts: 3,322 Major grins
    edited September 27, 2008

    You'll need to resize your photo anyway, so your exif will show a modification date regardless. For example, my exif data has a date taken time stamp of 2008-09-24 19:36:33 and a date modified time stamp of 2008-09-24 21:54:34, which is the time I converted it.ne_nau.gif
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    dlplumerdlplumer Registered Users Posts: 8,081 Major grins
    edited September 27, 2008
    I uploaded both my jpeg and cr2 photos from Aperture to Smugmug, and my dates are exactly the same.
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