Need HELP attaching more than one pic to a post...
Awhile ago i made a couple posts in the Sports Forum, but was never able to link more than one pic to my post at a time. I used "manage attachments" to upload my pic and then attached it to may post. When I went back to manage attachments to upload additional pics it stated I had uploaded the maximum 1 file. When selecting/uploading from my computer I can't select more than one file to upload at a time...Obviously, I must be doing something wrong because the majority of the threads in the Sports Forum have multiple pics linked. Can someone please help me...Thanks in advance.
You are not doing anything wrong. There is a maximum of one file that can be attached to your posts.
The posts that you see that have multiple images, have images that are not attached, but linked. They are hosted somewhere else (like SmugMug, etc) and linked directly from there. Attaching the images actually uploads the file directly to Dgrin and hosts it from here. For storage reasons, there is a 1 file limit on that.
I hope that makes sense. & smugmug
Thanks! Soooo, it seems if I want to link multiple pics then I need a smugmug hosted site. Would a site like Snapfish work? If so, how would I link from Snapfish to a post?
Gallery of mine...caution, it's under CONSTANT construction! | Photo Journal
In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary. ~Aaron Rose
Ok...not being the most savy computer guy. Take the link from where the pic is located on Snapfish or when I upload from my computer to the thread? Sorry, but I'm completely new to postings. Thanks
Gallery of mine...caution, it's under CONSTANT construction! | Photo Journal
In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary. ~Aaron Rose
You would need to use the Snapfish URL of the pic itself. Use the preview button before posting to make sure your link is correct.