A Surfing Kite thing #1

I found these people today, they are so cool! I worked some up. I sharpened everyone I remembered to sharpen. As far as I know none are soft, but it is almost 3 AM, so I don't trust me. I will put up more tomorrow, hehe. I don't know if this is the correct place, I think it is a sport, but there is no winning involved here. This is on the Isle Of Palms. Nice folks. g

A storm was coming, it kind of gave me a good sky.

Yes, the one below is my favorite.

Night, all......... Oh, I know the horizon is crooked on the close up.:uhoh I like it.:thumb

A storm was coming, it kind of gave me a good sky.

Yes, the one below is my favorite.

Night, all......... Oh, I know the horizon is crooked on the close up.:uhoh I like it.:thumb

After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
Nice Stuff
Really like the feel and color on all of them
Your gonna make me go out and take some more surf shots
My Galleries
It was the most fun since the farmer's market. Much more tiring. I only made it to the car without a long "sit down" or fall as those guys were all watching me leave. Walking up hill in loose sand when you are tired.......it is better than a stress test. I did not feel I had the luxury of stopping as long as I was still conscious.
I can't believe they moved the seminar. Actually, they talked to my husband, so I am a bit worried, I hope they moved it to next week. I just woke up, the weather is gorgeous. I have choices of where to go today. Bill will probably want to sleep, and I want him with me.
It would be interesting to see if there are more of those colorful things there on the weekend. The ocean kite/surf thing.
Thanks so much for stopping by, as they say here.
And commenting, that is even better.
ginger (morning)
I think this composition a lot and I like the drama of the silhouette. I'll bet you can recover some detail in the clouds with the techniques from this thread: http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=9300
This is another composition I like a lot. In this case, it looks like you might have overdone the saturation, perhaps with A+B curve steepening? I understand wanting the kite and sky to be vibrant, but you might want to moderate. Look at the patch of sky just to the right and above the kite in the sky. Of course you are the artist and can choose to do this on purpose, but it does give an unrealistic effect and so it has to be a deliberate choice on your part.
It sure looks like these guys are having fun. There is a place on Nantucket where they used to do this until they had a runin with the propertiy owners. Last summer Kerry was kite surfing there and the property owners didn't hassle him, naturally. So maybe the kite surfers will return this coming summer. At the very least, I'll bet Kerry will return and now I'd guess it would actually be possible to get close enough to take pictures. Last summer it was barely allowed to be on the same island with him.
Your comments on the situation where you are, it sounds like birding!
There are places I hope the birds will return to, also. I cannot imagine, well I don't know your laws, but what is to dislike about this sport? I have lived front beach for almost a year in the 80s. Other groups are messier, less responsible, noisier, etc.
SI managed to get some tight dog laws passed. I had to pay $75.00 for licenses in order for my dogs to set foot on the island. They are the main complaint problem that I hear.
Our beaches are public, the problem is access and somewhere in our laws is the right to access, so there is alot of it.
Thanks for the suggestions. There are a couple where saturation made the sky look unreal, maybe after I intensified the wrong color or something. The one you mention, it was a problem, it was late. I think I would have to start over. I don't spend as much time in post, usually, as some, so in saturation I bumped the yellow for the kite (Great!), then I bump the red a bit for the orange in the kite. I worried about that making the guy too red then decided he had been in the sun all day. But the sky became a little violet, I think, or one sky did (it was changing all the time anyway). I tried to fix it for awhile.
Went on.
I could start over, would be the only way.
That sky should not be blown the way I worked it up in RAW, and if I went to levels, everything I do is to not blow anything, except I did "darken" a few of the skys, I got detail, but I preferred the contrast and vibrancy.
I really appreciate your comments and stopping by. I want to go back out today. Am tired. (More like exhausted, but pumped) May try a few things re your suggestions.
Kite surfing is pretty big out here (strong winds) and we see them at Crissy Field, Waddell Creek and they also kite surf on the bay.
You have some really good shots posted! Great job!
I didn't purposely set up those guys way to the left hand corner. I was trying to get them AND the sun in. I gave up and snapped a shot. The loss of detail is where the sun takes over. Could I get that back? Would I want to?
Is there an easy curve you could post?
I wanted the sun cause Gus got the sun. I looked at the camera, stopped it down to f 30 (grabbed the number out of my hat), and just shot to see if it would work. I was pleasantly surprised. Of course there I did use my two fave lenses.
For 50 shots I forgot to set the F stop back to reason like 8 or 16 at the most. I looked down, thought I had lost everything in that 50. It actually enhanced the photos, I only lost one. I am still trying to figure that out. Wondering if I should be stopping down more?? And when? That is a big difference from 8 to 30.
How old is Kerry now? Interesting how they have to pull away in adolescence (sp). If they don't do it then, bad things happen later. I have watched this stuff. My wonderful youngest daughter, she and her family are finally moving within a 2 hr distance from me: next year. She is 37.
What color is Kerry's kite? Maybe you could get him a bunch of colors......
Here is my edit:
LAB curves:
Followed by a move to CMYK and the following to increase contrast in the kite:
Will fix it in the next four days. Want to shoot more. There are even your thing: bike races, today. I have never shot one. Never even been to the place, just across the highway. Big day. Come there and have fun without driving your car. Yeah, and I would have to drive there. I do want to go by though, sculpture thing opening. Thinking of patterns for the challenge.
I sure hope they have parking lots, so we can stop driving.
It was public, it is now private as the orig are on it.
That is the gallery, it is probably not public, could make it public......it is just I want my public galleries to be pristine, not a beginning gallery. Not getting far fast on that. Since nothing is public, i just leave the originals there.