Which would you recommend?
Because I've only been a 'photographer' for four months, I still need a little help deciding which Digital camera to buy. Ultimately, price is not a big issue--I will save until I have enough. I suppose I will pay no more than $1200.
I have my eye on two cameras: the Nikon Coolpix 8800 or the Canon EOS- Digital Rebel. They are both the same price at Bestchoicedigital.com, but which should I choose? If you think there is a better camera out there for me, PLEASE say so!
Here are there specifications:
Canon EOS-Digital Rebel:
Nikon Coolpix 8800:
Also, I noticed that bestchoicedigital.com sells their cameras half the price than any other place. For example, the Nikon Coolplix 8800 is $1000 anywhere else but only $499 at bestchoicedigital. Should I buy from them?
I have my eye on two cameras: the Nikon Coolpix 8800 or the Canon EOS- Digital Rebel. They are both the same price at Bestchoicedigital.com, but which should I choose? If you think there is a better camera out there for me, PLEASE say so!
Here are there specifications:
Canon EOS-Digital Rebel:
Nikon Coolpix 8800:
Also, I noticed that bestchoicedigital.com sells their cameras half the price than any other place. For example, the Nikon Coolplix 8800 is $1000 anywhere else but only $499 at bestchoicedigital. Should I buy from them?
Check here Best Choice Digital Customer Ratings, Reviews and Prices at ResellerRatings
I wouldn't order anything here with your credit card.
But what about the cameras themselves?
Updated June 5 2007
"Money can't buy happiness...But it can buy expensive posessions that make other people envious, and that feels just as good.":D
Canon 20D, Canon 50 1.8 II, Canon 70-200 f/4L, Canon 17-40 f/4 L, Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro, Canon 430ex.
Before I say anything else listen this if nothing else.
They are a classic rip off operation. They are selling the camera body only for $499. You can get the Rebel from B&H for 889.95 with the 18-55 kit lens. Bestchoice will charge you 499 for the body, $119 for the battery and $199 for the battery charger (all of which is included normally) and then try to stick you with a crappy Titanium lens for another few hundred. You will end up paying more to them and getting less.
Now as to whats the better camera. The Rebel is clearly the "better" camera but is it the better camera for you? That's a question only you can answer. The Rebel will cost you more $ as you add lenses, etc. You will have to do more post processing (especially if you shoot in RAW). It will take better pictures but wil require more $ and time from you.
The Coolpix, or the Sony 828, or any one of the other 8MP fixed lens cameras will let you take great pics cameras, are easier to carry around, and will cost less $ in the end but they can't be upgraded and don't have the same potential as the Rebel. Being a Nikon shooter I'm obligated (Its a code) to tell you to consider the D70 also:D
What kind of pictures do you want to take? Where do you want to go with photography?
http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Canon 20D and EF-S 18-55mm Kit with US Warranty for $1339.09 with free shipping from Buydig.com.
If you don't want this lens, which I don't, the going rate on Ebay for it is about $60 USD.
For $139.09 extra dollars I'd think this would be a very good way to go.
If you're going to get SLR, get the 20D. It's not much more expensive, but is so much better. Really.
However, IMO you should not get an SLR. It's an expensive proposition. You will end up spending, or wanting to spend, so much more than the camera costs. It's really a very slippery slope, and one that I only recommend you pursue if you have a) wealthy parents, or b) a good job and lots of disposable income.
There are plenty of good cameras, and you've already proven with the pictures you've taken already, it's not the camera. I'm not sure what you have, but it's a point and shoot, right? Look at the quality of picture your'e getting with it. Pretty darn good.
Before I went to SLR I had a Canon G5, which is now a Gsomething-larger-than-5. Nice camera.
Check out sights like The Imaging Resource, which has recommendations, and also a questionnaire to fill out that will help you to select the camera that's right for you. Here's that site's picks for cameras for photo students.
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I bought mine from buydig.com, and had good luck with them.
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I took that survey for finding the best camera for me, and ironically my results was one of my original choices: Nikon Coolpix 8800.
I am leaning more toward this one, especially because a family member works at Best Buy, and I can get a discount of about $200 off the original price. But the Canon 20D sounds so nice, but it also is more expensive, and being only 16 it would take me a few months to save up for that one.
I'm seriously thinking of pursuing some sort of profession in photography. So perhaps the Canon 20D is the way to go in the long run. Next year I am taking a college photography course, so I do want a very nice camera.
The Sony 828 was another choice of mine, but I saw a lot more negative reviews on it... it is prone to getting purple fringe.
Updated June 5 2007
The Nikon 8800 is a very nice P&S - I looked at it for quite a while as a walk around camera, but it still suffers from shutter-lag - the delay between when your press the shutter and the camera takes the picture. For me this is a deal killer in itself.
TML is right that a DSLR is just the beginning of the expenses.. New computers, Photoshop, new lenses, etc etc. But the 350XT sounds like a pretty nice camera and I think it meets your price requirements and will be serviceable for a long time.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
DSLRs really are so nice. It's so frustrating now to go back to P&S cameras.
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Now I must vow not spend one penny of my paychecks until I have enough. If only the parents would pitch in, but apparently I'm too young to have such a good camera on their dime.
When I get this camera I think my life will finally be complete.
Updated June 5 2007
"Money can't buy happiness...But it can buy expensive posessions that make other people envious, and that feels just as good.":D
Canon 20D, Canon 50 1.8 II, Canon 70-200 f/4L, Canon 17-40 f/4 L, Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro, Canon 430ex.
IMO you need a minimum of a DSLR...personally i think you may outgrow the 300 quite quickly. The 350 has good specs but the 20D is like eating chocolate on the hood of a car in the bush at night whilst stargazing & listening to francesca gagnon.
:uhoh Hey ...it works for me ..ok
Updated June 5 2007
Sony 717 828
Great ps cameras with manual controls for the creative shots
Not as much post
Aside from the fact that material objects can never make our lives complete....
don't forget about lenses, flashes, tripod...the camera in this case is just the tip of the iceberg.
If you're going to go DSLR, get the 20D. I had the Rebel (not the XT) and the 20D is so so so so so so much better.
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What's up with your camera search?
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Hi Kelly,
A good site for researching digital cameras is Dpreview (http://dpreview.com) and all the cameras you've mentioned are given thorough reviews there. I just bought a Canon Digital Rebel XT (aka the 350D) and I can tell you it's a bargain compared to the 20D and the image quality is so close to the 20D, you'd need sophisticated scientific instruments to be able to measure any differences between them. However, you will be spending more money in the long run on extra lenses (I've already bought two and I only just got the camera!) so that's something to consider. If you opt for the Drebel XT, I'd recommend getting the "deluxe" kit with the 17-85 USM IS (Image Stabilized) lens. The standard kit lens is really inexpensive...and it shows!
According to lots of Dgrinners, B&H and Adorama are reputable online merchants, though I got my XT at a regular camera store (Boots Cameras) because I like the idea of having a specific place to go if I have a problem with it. Best Buy has the Rebel XT also, but only with the kit lens which I was disappointed with. I ended up returning the first camera I bought to trade up to the deluxe kit with the better lens. However, a lot of people have had great luck with the standard kit lens...I think mine was a lemon.
Anyhow, I can also vouch for the Sony F828 as a great all in one camera (it's the one I've been using up to now) and the Nikon 8800 would also probably more than meet your needs for now. They both have macro and good zoom range, whereas with a dslr, you'll need to buy extra lenses to get the same macro to telephoto range. Considering your current situation, an all in one (otherwise know as a "point & shoot") might be the best bet for you~
Hope this helps!
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~