Pike cichlid
Well I didn't know where, so I put it here as the sign says.
This is one of several that I took of my 13 inch johanna, pike cichlid, girl last winter. She is not the friendliest of girls. She even flairs her gills at me.
This is one of several that I took of my 13 inch johanna, pike cichlid, girl last winter. She is not the friendliest of girls. She even flairs her gills at me.

Great shot of a wonderful looking fish.
Aquarium shots are extremely difficult to get right, and I think you've done
yourself proud.
We raised Cichlids for about 5 years, was a really wonderful learning process, and they are an amazing breed of fish, coming from a lot of different countries and climate zones.
Look forward to seeing some more of your shots, any other type of Cichlids?
Burleson, Texas
Yes I have quite a few cichlids. Jags, Dovii and others.
and lighting very much in this composition.
Do you think maybe that this photo could benefit from a slight cropping
out of the blacks upper and left frame? I was kinda thinking that way
so as to place for emphasis on the fish, its size and environment.
FWIW, I like the crop the way it is and think there is still plenty of emphasis on the fish and that it still looks big.
check out my (sports) pics: ColleenBonney.smugmug.com
*Thanks to Boolsacho for the avatar photo (from the dgrin portrait project)
Those are the South American Breeds aren't they?
We mainly had the ones from the African Rift Lakes, can't remember their name now:D
Burleson, Texas
Thank you for the reply. I could have cropped it the way you mention but leaving considerable more space in front than behind gives a sense of forward motion which is what I was after.
Thanks Coleen.
The pike cichlids are from South America while the jags and dovii are Central American fish. They are voracious predators and very belligerent.
Understood Ron. Your image works very much as is for certain.
Nice balance to it.
Well I gotta say this is an excellent tank shot.
I thought it was a statue (taxidermy)
Wow not even a hint of an airbubble, or debris in the water
The light looks great, the fish looks great... I like the setting.
Nicely done Schnauzer
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
WAIT! That was a really GOOD photo of a fish... click....
I feel your presence...
I remember
SLAMA Photography