Fun with my new 20.....IR

20mm 1:2.8D Nikon Lens that is...:D Me likey this lens:D
All of these were taken at Cole Farm in Purcellville, VA.
The main house

The barns and silo

The sink

Not sure what was going on here...this is exactly how I came upon it...A tire, some nails and a lamp?

The bird house (notice the noose - must be there to intimidate :rofl )

The pond

The rest of the gallery, that includes some taken with my 70-300 and my 50mm, is here,
All of these were taken at Cole Farm in Purcellville, VA.
The main house

The barns and silo

The sink

Not sure what was going on here...this is exactly how I came upon it...A tire, some nails and a lamp?

The bird house (notice the noose - must be there to intimidate :rofl )

The pond

The rest of the gallery, that includes some taken with my 70-300 and my 50mm, is here,
Very nice results, really like the clarity and the great tones you've achieved.
Looks like the fun is about to begin:D
Looking forward to see what you have for us next.
Burleson, Texas
Looking good Chris, hopefully I got my custom white balance all set up again today, however I worked all weekend so didn't get any shots in.
I love the last shot in the series, I saw the noose and chuckled,
did the cat put it there
Congrats on the new Toy
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Thanks Craig!
Gotta say I was very impressed with the lens. Got some great results in a variety of situations. Of course I picked the wrong time of year in my area to play with a new lens and an infrared only camera...seeing as though it's almost winter and there are no leaves on the trees
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Thanks Skippy!
Ya know, come to think of there were signs of a lot of cats...
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