Once upon a time many years ago, an evangelical minister built a tiny resort near a small spring far away and out in the empty desert. The healer dug the spring out and made it into a small lake, or more accurately, a large pond. Somehow he obtained a life boat from a ship and brought it to this remote location and launched it into his miniature sea. Vistors would set sail and drift into the stillness and recite poetry and verses from the Bible. Sadly, one day this all came to an end. The minister and visitors no longer came to drift in the desert.
Thanks all. This shot, the Chevy Truck, and the Fully Loaded (Airmobile) photos are in a reasonably protected environment. I think the use they fulfill is that they are there for photo ops, rather than being dragged off by thieves or totally destroyed by vandals. These items are what make up the character of the Mojave. Everytime I revisit one of these sites, another piece is gone or ruined.
Nice in black and white!!!
Thank you-
Once upon a time many years ago, an evangelical minister built a tiny resort near a small spring far away and out in the empty desert. The healer dug the spring out and made it into a small lake, or more accurately, a large pond. Somehow he obtained a life boat from a ship and brought it to this remote location and launched it into his miniature sea. Vistors would set sail and drift into the stillness and recite poetry and verses from the Bible. Sadly, one day this all came to an end. The minister and visitors no longer came to drift in the desert.
its a place of mystery and 70-200mm hoods vanish without a trace:D ...
nice comp on that scene. your treatment really works well on the palms!
i gotta get back there with my new wide lens !!!! maybe this coming spring
Kill Nothing But Time :clap
Leave Nothing But Footprints :thumb
Wow look how the wood has all split apart
It's ashame to see these things just go to ruin,
same as those old cars you find.
Good shot
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin