PS Elements--RAW--NEF

Is it possible to import /view Nikon NEF (RAW) image files directly from PS Elements or iPhoto? Nikon included proprietary Nikon Software view/capture , but I am trying to avoid more software manipulation to get images in NEF/RAW format into PS Elements for manipulation and archiving to iPhoto. I can see Nikon NEF spot plug in (in PSE) , but it will not highlite. I'm assuming this is not available in PSE.Can't afford the freight for PS7/CS. Any spare Mac copies out there?
Also as a newbie , does the extra RAW/NEF step add any perceivable visual quality when printing 4x6 to 8x10 from Smugmug? Is RAW/ NEF format supported by Smugmug? Is it "worth" the hassle to shoot in RAW?NEF mode?
In other words ; an inept computer bumbler trying to "grok" the digital maze.
Also as a newbie , does the extra RAW/NEF step add any perceivable visual quality when printing 4x6 to 8x10 from Smugmug? Is RAW/ NEF format supported by Smugmug? Is it "worth" the hassle to shoot in RAW?NEF mode?
In other words ; an inept computer bumbler trying to "grok" the digital maze.
The second issue, is RAW worth it, is really up to you and what you want to do with your images. If you just want to be able to take the images out of the camera and send them straight to smugmug without making any major adjustments to them, then no, RAW mode isn't going to be of much benefit. RAW really comes into its own when you start making adjustments to your images using a computer. However, even if you're not doing a lot of work with your images on the computer now, you might want to at some point. If you shoot RAW files now you wont find yourself saying "I sure wish I shot this in RAW mode."
FWIW When I'm taking snapshots at a family gathering, I shoot JPEG. When I'm out shooting for myself, if storage space and file write times aren't an issue, I shoot RAW.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I wouldn't agree with that. Enhanced tone is indeed one thing you lose, but you still gain a lot of sharpness by avoiding JPEG.
To answer the original question, so far as I can tell there is now way to import RAW files from any manufacturer into PSE. I took to using the Canon tool to convert all the images straight to TIFF and edited those. Unfortunately that takes awhile. Perhaps Nikon's tool is better.
I recently bought PSCS and its ability to work directly with raw files is a huge boon, but it also has workflow capabilities that were removed in PSE. I would have had a hard time justifying it at $600, but I am taking a class at the New England School of Photography that allows me to get the Educational version for $260; it's worth that.
By the way Jim.. how are the classes going??? anything to pass on??