Six Flags --> 5DMkll pics

Hey guys/gals,
I think I'm about to wind down the high ISO "testing" photos with the new 5DMkll.
I think I'm sold :thumb This camera rocks
Thought I would share some with you though.
My wife & I went out to Six Flags for a couple of hours to take some pics.
These were a straight conversion from RAW to .jpg via DPP. Otherwise, SOOC...
Would these look better processed? Well, of course. But these are just test shots, just to show what the camera can do on its own.
Well, I did hold it and push the little black button :rofl
Hand-held shots - We don't need no stinkin' tripod
1) ISO 6400 - 1/15 - f/8 - 20mm

2) ISO 6400 - 1/60 - f/5.6 - 17mm

3) ISO 6400 - 1/13 - f/4 - 19mm

4) ISO 6400 - 1/15 - f/4 - 25mm

5) ISO 6400 - 1/60 - f/4.5 - 17mm

6) ISO 6400 - 1/60 - f/4.5 - 17mm

Thanks for looking...
I think I'm about to wind down the high ISO "testing" photos with the new 5DMkll.
I think I'm sold :thumb This camera rocks
Thought I would share some with you though.
My wife & I went out to Six Flags for a couple of hours to take some pics.
These were a straight conversion from RAW to .jpg via DPP. Otherwise, SOOC...
Would these look better processed? Well, of course. But these are just test shots, just to show what the camera can do on its own.
Well, I did hold it and push the little black button :rofl
Hand-held shots - We don't need no stinkin' tripod

1) ISO 6400 - 1/15 - f/8 - 20mm

2) ISO 6400 - 1/60 - f/5.6 - 17mm

3) ISO 6400 - 1/13 - f/4 - 19mm

4) ISO 6400 - 1/15 - f/4 - 25mm

5) ISO 6400 - 1/60 - f/4.5 - 17mm

6) ISO 6400 - 1/60 - f/4.5 - 17mm

Thanks for looking...
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I've been curious as to how the camera auto-focuses in low light.
I've never had much of a complaint from my 5D as far as focusing, but this Mkll focuses VERY WELL in low light. And I do mean LOW light!
I was showing my wife how well the camera works in low light. We came across this dock & boat. She said "there's no way you can take a picture when it's that dark". I focused on edge of the dock. It's not a great shot, but given how dark it was, well, it's a picture that none of my other camera's could focus on.
And it locked focus fast
I'm gonna' have to un-glue the 17-40L off this thing and put the 50mm f/1.4 on for a spin. Can't even imagine 3 more stops than I've been shooting with (f/4 lens) on this camera
ISO 6400 - 1/5 - f/4 - 40mm
Here's another "dark" one - I realize the only use of this pic is for focusing info only, but jeez, talk about focusing in low light! The central focus point is on the person standing in the rail car. (big white arrow pointing to them)
I simply locked focus, no fuss...
ISO 25600 - 1/13 - f/4 - 17mm
Lauren Blackwell
Jeff Meyers
You don't need help with your riverwalk pics, there lookin' good
Thanks Jeff,
I must admit I didn't put much effort into these shots due to them being test shots for the most part. But, I do think the 1st pic did come out nice.
The "Alamo" shots will look nice when processed.
I was just posting these to let others see what the 5DMkll can do in the real world.
Randy thanks for showing us your test shots,
they look so clean at those high ISO levels.
Where you using the one lens for all of these? and if so what were you using......I'm asking because I noticed your F stop didn't go below F4.5,
so was this not a fast less you were getting these results from?
Very very impressive.... my 40D is gonna have to do me for quite a while yet
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Lauren Blackwell
Hey Skippy,
I shot all these with a Canon 17-40 f/4L lens. Matter of fact, that's the only lens my new Mkll has had the pleasure to know. That will change shortly, I'm gonna' see if I can un-glue the 17-40 from the camera and use my other lenses
I think tonight I'll try the 50mm f/1.4 lens. That combo should almost be able to see in the dark.
Thanks for taking the time to look and comment.
All photos are Copyrighted and Registered. Please don't use without permission.
5DSR 16-35 2.8L III 24-70 2.8L II 70-200 2.8L IS II