Greensburg, Kansas

Greensburg was almost totally leveled by a huge tornado a couple years ago. They are trying to come back, and the progress they are making is astounding.
This is an HDR image (5 exp) of the town's major tourist attraction, The Big Well. It is the world's largest hand-dug well. The brown sandstone wall there in the close background deliniate the circumference of the 35'x150' stone-lined well. It used to have a little shelter over an observation window, a lot of big old trees and an old-fashioned water tower behind it, but they're gone now. The well sounds hokey, but turns out to be an interesting, and certainly different, attraction.
This is an HDR image (5 exp) of the town's major tourist attraction, The Big Well. It is the world's largest hand-dug well. The brown sandstone wall there in the close background deliniate the circumference of the 35'x150' stone-lined well. It used to have a little shelter over an observation window, a lot of big old trees and an old-fashioned water tower behind it, but they're gone now. The well sounds hokey, but turns out to be an interesting, and certainly different, attraction.

Jeff Meyers