Remember " Sky King " ?
A plane of this kind played a major role in a 1950s TV series called " Sky King ". It was known by the name of Songbird in the series. This type plane actually saw limited duty during WW!! as a light bomber....mostly in the Pacific Theatre of conflict. It was affectionately known as the " Bamboo Bomber " because of the high content of wood used in its construction. You don't see many of these anymore.

I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
I love the two people in the shade & smugmug
This shot was taken at the huge airshow / fly-in known as " Sun'N'Fun "
held each year in Lakeland, FL. I watched this plane land and taxi up to its assigned spot. I came back by the spot a little later and the two guys who flew the plane in were already seeking relief from the intense Florida sun.
I remember watching Sky King during the early 50's but can't visualize the plane he flew. These are very nice images indeed (tho I might try to clone out the guys legs under the plane in the first one
Be well.
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
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"If you've found a magic that does something for you, honey, stick to it. Never change it." - Mae West, to Edith Head.
"Every guy has to have one weakness - and it might as well be a good one." - Shell Scott: Dance With the Dead by Richard S. Prather
Thanks for looking in. I remember when Sky went to the newer model of Cessna. Man, that's frightening to think that was over 50 years ago. I can't believe I still can recollect such stuff.
Good to see you got the old eagle eye working. I never paid attention to the guy's legs. You're looks better since I went and cloned them out. Now if I just knew how to swap out the pictures, I'd be OK.
Thanks for the comments and take care.
Thanks for your kind remarks. I see a great parallel between classic plane design and classic car design......when it's well done, in either case, the resulting beauty is really something to behold. I am not surprised you share my affinity for the looks of this plane.
Take care and happy holidays.
I know....I watched it in black and white and we had a lazy X antenna on the roof.
WOW, once again this is really a great venue for you to shoot.
Really beautiful colors and composition.
Very nicely done!!!!
Burleson, Texas
Thanks so much for your comments. Maybe it's an observation that we all tend to do a better job when shooting subjects that we care so much about. In any event, your opinion ranks real high with me and I appreciate what you have to say.
Take care.