3 recent HDR's

Being very new to HDR's I set out about doing some practicing. Here's 3 HDR's of the same building, different perspectives. All C/C's welcomed!
Canon 400D
Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM
5/1 sec base approx
ISO 100
Hoya Pro1D ND8
3 x exp bracketing -2 0 +2
Adobe Raw

Canon 400D
Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM
5/1 sec base approx
ISO 100
Hoya Pro1D ND8
3 x exp bracketing -2 0 +2
Adobe Raw

Canon - Manfrotto - Pocketwizard - Sekonic - Westcott - Hoya - Singh Ray
I have one question, I have an ND8 filter I have not used yet,so have no experience with it, what was the purpose for using it on this photo?
Thanks for the comments.
One of the reasons I utilised the ND8 was to enhance the sky...the longer exposure enabled the capture of the movement of the sky enabling a deeper cloud base (it wasn't as cloudy that day as it looks there). The second shot is probably the best example of it. I was bordering on using the ND400 filter but didn't need it.
I find that the ND filters allow for a little bit more creativity in a shot especially when doing things like HDR's mixed with a 10mm lens. I find the fun starts at 10mm and enjoy playing around with dark's as well as 'movement'.
One thing I learned very fast was to set the camera up without the filter on in AV mode. Once set I then put the filter on, turn to manual mode then adjust the exposure length based on the measurement taken when in AV mode and multiplied out by the stop factor of the filter. I downloaded a chart that assists with this. I'll find the link after and post it if you require it.) These steps are especially important once you get into the darker ND's.
All photos are Copyrighted and Registered. Please don't use without permission.
5DSR 16-35 2.8L III 24-70 2.8L II 70-200 2.8L IS II
I do (Adobe Photoshop CS4) but I choose not to use it mainly because of the fun aspect of these shots,
Again, liked the colors!
All photos are Copyrighted and Registered. Please don't use without permission.
5DSR 16-35 2.8L III 24-70 2.8L II 70-200 2.8L IS II
Shootin1st, thanks for the encouragment. I'll certainly have a play with perspective cropping and see how it turns out. I think you can gather from my images that playing with PS is something I enjoy doing. And thanks for the compliments, it mean a lot get the compliments as well as the criticism.
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Lauren Blackwell
Cloudy days ND filters and HDR are synonymous!
Thanks leaforte
Wow awesome place to shoot CJ
Love your HDR on these... really brings out the deep colours.
Sky looks great, I'm only using the Demo of Photomatrix, I need to buy it.
Very nice done CJ, and again that is a great location for shooting
... Skippy
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin