Hello! New Member aboard
Hi Everyone, As I introduce myself, My name is Sarah I am a photographer from CT. My husband and I started our photography business 3 years ago. We started with basic Sony Cameras, the 707 and upgraded to the 717 then the 828. We had all sony gear. Used to it... Been there dont that with it!
So.. we came across a great guy who uses Canon's. I was very intrested and Dwayne was always like.. Hmm Give me a REASON why I should be intrested.
So as he saw our friends photographs and asked him to join our "team" to photograph events, he got more and more intrested in teh Canon.
This past weekend we put our Sony 828 camera up for sale on Ebay, and that one sold within days , then we thought "we'll if we going to do then we should do it, and we put up our second 828 camera, we will see if that sells in the next couple of days. We purchased Three Canon digital Rebels XT.
One for me One for Him and a Backup/Studio Camera.
I was hestiant on getting the 20D, and for the money, We felt the XT's we were better of to go. So, Here I stand, with Three XT's and weddings starting. We need to Get used to the new cameras fast. As our fourth wedding of the year is on Saturday. We Love the fact that you can take many photographs without much of delay and also that you can take RAW/JPegs together without a problem, Sony's you had atleast a 30sec delay per RAW image, theres NO way we could capture the ceremony in RAW.
We will be doing a LOT of test shooting this week, and I am sure with each wedding we have this year we will get better and better with knowing the camera. I personally Can't wait till I can get going!
Well, back to work, as I work Full Time elsewhere than the Studio.
I can't wait to post and here feedback!
So.. we came across a great guy who uses Canon's. I was very intrested and Dwayne was always like.. Hmm Give me a REASON why I should be intrested.
So as he saw our friends photographs and asked him to join our "team" to photograph events, he got more and more intrested in teh Canon.
This past weekend we put our Sony 828 camera up for sale on Ebay, and that one sold within days , then we thought "we'll if we going to do then we should do it, and we put up our second 828 camera, we will see if that sells in the next couple of days. We purchased Three Canon digital Rebels XT.
One for me One for Him and a Backup/Studio Camera.
I was hestiant on getting the 20D, and for the money, We felt the XT's we were better of to go. So, Here I stand, with Three XT's and weddings starting. We need to Get used to the new cameras fast. As our fourth wedding of the year is on Saturday. We Love the fact that you can take many photographs without much of delay and also that you can take RAW/JPegs together without a problem, Sony's you had atleast a 30sec delay per RAW image, theres NO way we could capture the ceremony in RAW.
We will be doing a LOT of test shooting this week, and I am sure with each wedding we have this year we will get better and better with knowing the camera. I personally Can't wait till I can get going!
Well, back to work, as I work Full Time elsewhere than the Studio.
I can't wait to post and here feedback!
Glad you decided to join in on the fun
Good luck to you on your conversion. If it went as well as mine, you guys are in for a treat. My camera background is similar to yours. First the 707, then the 717 and finally the 828. Loved those Sonys and really had a ball using them
I too, was frustrated with the time it took to write a RAW burst (with the 828) and the noise at higher ISOs (I shoot indoor sports quite a bit). So a few months ago (Nov 2004) I took the plunge with the 20D. 10,000 + images later, and I'm still stunned. Not that I instantly became a better photographer, but this camera (and the DR's to a lesser extent) can do anything I ask of it and do it well. Not only that, but it's almost as much fun to use as those swivel lensed Sonys :lol
Please post some of the wedding results you get with your DR's. I'd also be very interested in hearing your thoughts on how it went/is going and any issues you uncover. I'm looking to try some wedding shoots with the 20D and 580EX and I'm always looking for ideas
Welcome to Dgrin and looking forward to more posts from you
I have to get used to posting here, adding photos and all that But it seems pretty easy, Ive taking some photos of my daughter today so Ill try to post them up alittle later.
We also took a dig and bought a lens, atfirst the the 75-300 lens but then I told my husband he better exchange it and get the IS lens. So we did.
What do you guys think of this lens? What lens's do you guys use? How do you know before you try? Alot of the times you cant "Try before you buy!" so spending the money and then not liking it stinks!
Thanks again!
As far as lens choices go, there are lots of resources available so you don't have to "try before you buy"
Also, you can ask questions in the Gear Forum here. Many of us shoot with Canons and someone is bound to have, or had, just about any lens you may be thinking of purchasing.
FWIW, for indoor no flash shots (like a church), a nice fast zoom helps a lot. Something in the 24-70mm range @ F2.8, Either the Canon L version, or even the Tamron 28-75mm F2.8 XR will work just fine. Also, a 70-200mm F2.8 comes in handy, inside and outdoors. There are 3 versions to consider. The Canon IS version at around $1700, the non-IS Canon @ $1100 and the Sigma for around $700.
As I wrote, there is a treasure trove of info available. Please let us know how we can assist you :-)
i have both the tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 and the canon 70-200mm f/2.8 that steve mentioned, they are excellent and a perfect combo. the 28-75 barely ever comes off my camera.
wow.. maybe some day!
Welcome to Dgrin
I did the same as you 707 to 717 to 828 and now 20d
And I love the 20d
Good luck on your weddings
And take a look at my web site most photos are with the 717 and 828
Have fun
What equipment do you have with youe 20d?
While Im typing I dont think I added my website..
take a peak:)
I too shoot weddings. Here's mine from last weekend: http://leebase.smugmug.com/gallery/511206
Next of course, comes your lens choices. I see you bought an IS lens. Personally -- I favor fast lenses (f2.8 or faster) over IS. Both would be best, but those lenses are really expensive.
My set is:
Canon 50mm f1.8
Canon 85mm f1.8
Tamron 17-35 f2.8/4
Tamron 28-75 f2.8
Sigma 70-200 f2.8
I love all my lenses. If the Sigma 18-50 f2.8 had been available before I bought my Tamron 28-75 -- I might have bought it instead of both of those lenses. But maybe not. I do love my Tamron's.
i really love this lens
btw, my tamron 28-75 cost me like $375 which is an awesome price for the quality of the lens.
Im all new to these lenese and all the terminolgy, Fast lens, what do you mean?
Do you.. or any of you guys use Filters for your Canons? If so Which ones do you prefer? Anyone like the "Star" filter? Or the soft focus lens?
I would recomend practicing the heck out of your new camers to get real comfortible with them. I'm not real sure but you may find a bigger issue with camera shake with the DSLR's than the Sony's. That means you need to keep the shutter speeds up. A fast lens ( This is a lens with a wider aperature 1.8, 2.0, 2.8) many lenses seem to be in the 3.5 to 5.6 range and will vary by focal length. The more expensive zoom lenses read "L" lenses will have a constant aperature throughtout the zoom range. A wider aperature will let in more light and allow you to use a faster shutter speed while giving you a good exposure.
One lens I can recomend you get right away would be the 50mm 1.8 it retails for less that $90.00 and is a very sharp lens, with good low light performance. Cheap build, great optics.
I really hope many of the others here with way more knowledge will jump in and give you some tips.
Now your website: I can see you spent a lot of time and have been very thorough with all your info and options. From a CA stand point, and unless I am reading your pricing information wrong, your prices look way low! But definitly a good family value.
Good luck, and I think you will find this place a good source of information.
Do you recommend having a MACRO lens? a lens were we can get really close and take an unbelievable photo? Do you think a Macro lens is needed?
Thank you for your comment on our website, we do have to do a upgrade to show more photographs. We have created our company so the Bride can Choose. Its all Ala Cart. Everyone seems to love it that way, We started way lower, but with time, and experience we will definatly have to go up, BUT.. on a nother hand, we want the couple to come back to us when they have children, Not Many people we have spoke to See their photographer who they had photograph their wedding for take their family photos becasue they were just to high priced for a family. We would rather have repeat customers then just.. once.... does that make sense? We started in 2002 with 1 wedding, in 2003 we had 7 and in 2004 we ended with 42. This year we have about 33 booked.. so far. So wedding season is definatly in the prime We have had weddings already this year, but this weekend will mark our First for the "complete" wedding season.
Thank you again Sam.
Checked out your site very nice
All your photos on your site done with Sonys ?
So far I have the 24-70 f/2.8L,70-200 IS f/2.8L,50mm f/1.4 and a lensbaby.
Looking forward to seeing more of your photos
How do you like the lensbaby!??? do you love it?? i ve only seen SOME images taken with it and the ones i have i love!
Very nice web site love your photos
Yes love the Lensbaby fun lens
These were taken with the lensbaby
Fast lenses have aperatures of f2.8 or faster. The wider the aperature, the faster the shutter speed allowed for a given light level. Since so many churches don't allow flash, you are really in a pickle if you don't have fast lenses.
Also, wider aperatures let you get narrow DOF for those dreamy portraits. And finally, fast lenses also tend to be the best quality -- and the most expensive.
I don't use filters for special effects -- as I prefer to do those on the computer. But I do use a circular polarizer when shooting outdoors with bright light to help blue up the sky and make all the colors more saturated...and to reduce the contrast difference between sky and ground.