What happend to the naked man, the hedgehog and the ring of fire?...

Well I have some sad news; first the hedgehog ran away and was last seen in the local woods staring passionately into the eyes of our old yard brush (we always suspected he was short sighted!).
Secondly the naked man is in hospital undergoing some very delicate surgery after playing with the rings of fire! Some guys just never learn...
So I was left with a bottle of wine and some glasses and, of course, my trusty camera, so I thought I'd better put them all to good use for this competition.
So, after listening to what you had all previously said about how boring and meaningless my images were, I decided to repeat myself
The obvious question is, are any of these images below any less boring and more meaningful than my current image?
Image 1 - Tipsy

Image 2 - Think before you drink

Image 3 - Drunk driving costs lives

Many thanks again for your time taken to empathize with my situation and let me know which image you prefer:lust
Secondly the naked man is in hospital undergoing some very delicate surgery after playing with the rings of fire! Some guys just never learn...
So I was left with a bottle of wine and some glasses and, of course, my trusty camera, so I thought I'd better put them all to good use for this competition.
So, after listening to what you had all previously said about how boring and meaningless my images were, I decided to repeat myself

The obvious question is, are any of these images below any less boring and more meaningful than my current image?
Image 1 - Tipsy

Image 2 - Think before you drink

Image 3 - Drunk driving costs lives

Many thanks again for your time taken to empathize with my situation and let me know which image you prefer:lust
Whether this would be better than this No 1 (or current image) I don't know (would prob depend on angle, crop area/shape and fill level ... otherwise could be a large area of white space top left corner. (staying with portrait mode and a small(ish) angle might help?)
Personally, fwiw, I still prefer the clean lines of this approach to the other 2 images.
Pity about the naked man. That's what he gets for playing around with that ring of fire!
Here are my thoughts:
Love the framing capture on #1 very cool and the red is beautiful, but due to the angle perhaps the wine should be flowing in that angle also, so that it doesn't look like you just flipped or rotated the image? Also the rim of the glass which would give it that perk has disappeared? I would clean up the smudged areas on the red. Very cool shot, could almost be a product shot!
Really like number two, but in my mind's eye, that image would even be more striking had you captured a "drop" of the red wine in a more defined stop action setting almost between bottle rim and splat on the table.
Number 3 is cool also, but I find that the splat has no definition, if a drop falls into something does it not create a sort of "ripple" effect?? Just a thought? I was wondering about what Nik stated, Desaturation of all of the photo except for the red wine on the table...I bet that would look cool.
Numbers 2 and 3 remind me of "Good To The Last Drop"
Anyways Pemmett, hope I have not offended. Good Luck to you in whichever you choose
Firstly. Sorry if I made any of you worried with my above post. I was being sarcastic (being British means it is second nature for me) and was not at all offended by anyone's comments.
Secondly. I would like to see is the first image could go somewhere. The top shot was called "tipsy" because I was looking at the glass from a drunk persons perspective hence the drink is not slanted just the view. Obviously this did not work, what if the title was more like "Had too much to drink!"
Thanks again for all your time.
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I'm rather torn on a possible title though.
Just like a female eh...when it comes to decisions
I still like the "Good To The Last Drop"...lol
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Both are great images, IMO.
This one draws me in more and keeps me looking longer. The underlying message has shifted away from "this is a bit of color" to "here is a story" and the color is absolutely part of the story and integral to the message. A big improvement as far as my opinion (not worth much) goes.
YUP!!! Ahhhh agreeeees. (hic)
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Have a good weeked, Peter. Hope the withdrawal symptoms aren't too bad.