DSS 19 -- I think I've gone off the deep end

I'm trying for something contrived and may have had a little too much "fun" this evening with Photoshop. :uhoh
C&C much appreciated.
Contrived #1

Contrived #2
C&C much appreciated.
Contrived #1

Contrived #2

But there's a lot more room to swim and if you dive in you don't hit your head.
Like Pyry said, it's just a bit too out there for my taste, and I'm not sure of the point of the face/faces in the background?
I love your creativity!
Thanks for looking and commenting.
It started out as a peeling facade. I thought the colors looked a bit blah so I started playing around with saturation and hues. Then I didn't like the bland white sky in the original so I played with gradients. As for the faces, I needed something to fill up the empty space.
I guess I'll just head back to the drawing board.
I really like it!
Other than that, I think you did a fantastic PS job
- wonderful colors!
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
Something about a lunar cat looking down on a peeling church makes me giggle
It is definitely contrived.
Paul is probably right in his assessment of it as a challenge entry, but I think you might take the idea, back off the psychedelic colors - maybe leave out the face(s) - and see how it looks.
Wonderfully creative!
Really woke me up this morning.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
I really like the 2nd one. And, I love the colors. My opinion is usually off from the norm though...if that tells you anything
I can only imagine that it woke up a number of people this morning. Heck, it even woke me up when I checked the thread this morning.
Paul's assessment is probably correct. There's "contrived" and then there's "contrived-on-steroids", which is what this is.
BWAH! I offer you the rights to Fritz the grumpy cat and my barely-in-focus, size-resampled orange moon for personal use. They're all yours
Linda, I laughed out loud at this shot of yours - you have now totally blown my image of you as a pretty-aesthetic traditionalist. My illusions shattered!!
I think the Psychadelic shot is pretty cool, actually - if "contrived" can't be weird and wonderful, what can? I would replace the faces with something else more related to the building however - not sure what directions that will take you but it's a thought.......