Food Porn -- That title drew me in as I didn't know what food porn was
Never had fried apple before, but they sure look yummy
Food Porn= anything yummy that makes you droooool.. there are tons of Food Porno photographers out there... I won't be posting any of my old stuff but will start contributing from here on out!
Food contains many colors, textures, shapes and sizes and can make very interesting pictures.. try it sometime!
Food Porn= anything yummy that makes you droooool.. there are tons of Food Porno photographers out there... I won't be posting any of my old stuff but will start contributing from here on out!
Food contains many colors, textures, shapes and sizes and can make very interesting pictures.. try it sometime!
Looks like I'll have to venture into Food Porn -- what will my hubby say to that
Food what?
My shots in this vein are lacking some. Mine are usually found
elsewhere. Like trees, rocks, and the like. My wife is forever
giving me grief about it. If I were to spot something in food
and photo it.... no telling what results could come of it from her.
Food what?
My shots in this vein are lacking some. Mine are usually found
elsewhere. Like trees, rocks, and the like. My wife is forever
giving me grief about it. If I were to spot something in food
and photo it.... no telling what results could come of it from her.
Mr DaddyO.... Food Porn is actually a common name used among lovers of food photographers...
Next time your wife, or yourself make something that is rich in color and texture for dinner, shoot it! It's even more fun if you are into macro...I am loving my new Macro and food ...
My partner knows that when we go out to dinner no one touches a thing until I have properly molested each plate with my camera
It can be challenging considering the lighting situations in restaraunts... I got some good ones once of a hibachi chef working with fire.. just bring your camera and trust me you will be inspired!
Try it! I can't wait to see what you come up with..
Now that is something else.. this is exactly what I love..
Another guy to check out is Carl Warner, who did entire landscapes with food. His site is all Flash and so it's a bit of a pain to link to. From the main page, click on Stills and when that loads, click on Foodscapes. Lots of other cool stuff on the site as well.
Never had fried apple before, but they sure look yummy
Mary Kim this is a "traditional "southern food like grits and redeye gravy (redeye gravy is a very strong coffee ontop the grits like a gravy).....also fried grits with pure homemade maple syrup....Oh yummy and very fattening.
Mary Kim this is a "traditional "southern food like grits and redeye gravy (redeye gravy is a very strong coffee ontop the grits like a gravy).....also fried grits with pure homemade maple syrup....Oh yummy and very fattening.
Never had fried apple before, but they sure look yummy
Food Porn= anything yummy that makes you droooool.. there are tons of Food Porno photographers out there... I won't be posting any of my old stuff but will start contributing from here on out!
Food contains many colors, textures, shapes and sizes and can make very interesting pictures.. try it sometime!
Great idea.. thank you... Guess I have to make more Apples and try some more..
Photography Blog
Looks like I'll have to venture into Food Porn -- what will my hubby say to that
Would love to see more of your food. One of my favourite things ... eating it, not taking pictures of it. :eat &
FB: - Youtube:
Dinner always starts with a salad...
Then a little appetizer..
Next your main course..
And to finish the night.. a nice anniversary dessert.
Hope you enjoy..
(Thanks for the help with mine)
Here how about enjoying a fond moment at a New Orleans Crawfish boil...
Let the feast continue! :eat
Thank you !!!
Playing in the kitchen today, something yummy should come out of that!
Still struggling with lighting!
Having fun practicing anyway...
Oh well here's some more :eat
My Galleries
And raise you...
“The single most important component of a camera is the twelve inches behind it!” - Ansel Adams
I love the concept of totally fattening food sitting next to a Diet Coke...and that ice cream looks divine!
My shots in this vein are lacking some. Mine are usually found
elsewhere. Like trees, rocks, and the like. My wife is forever
giving me grief about it. If I were to spot something in food
and photo it.... no telling what results could come of it from her.
For those of you not familiar with the work of Edward Weston, here's a famous food shot:
Edward Weston, Pepper #30 (1930)
Among other things, Weston did many nude figure studies, but it always struck me that this pic is just as sensuous as those.
Next time your wife, or yourself make something that is rich in color and texture for dinner, shoot it! It's even more fun if you are into macro...I am loving my new Macro and food ...
My partner knows that when we go out to dinner no one touches a thing until I have properly molested each plate with my camera
It can be challenging considering the lighting situations in restaraunts... I got some good ones once of a hibachi chef working with fire.. just bring your camera and trust me you will be inspired!
Try it! I can't wait to see what you come up with..
Now that is something else.. this is exactly what I love.. THank you and I will look up Mr Weston..
Love it thank you!
Cool...I never would have guessed.
Another guy to check out is Carl Warner, who did entire landscapes with food. His site is all Flash and so it's a bit of a pain to link to. From the main page, click on Stills and when that loads, click on Foodscapes. Lots of other cool stuff on the site as well.
Mary Kim this is a "traditional "southern food like grits and redeye gravy (redeye gravy is a very strong coffee ontop the grits like a gravy).....also fried grits with pure homemade maple syrup....Oh yummy and very fattening.
PS I am a level 2 Reiki Worker. Namaste!