Weekly Assignments: index, rules, etc.

2010 Fall Update
It's been a long run since we started. I think we covered most of the basic stuff.
From now on I'm primarily going to concentrate on portraiture/lighting/postprocessing techniques relevant for photographing human subjects.
If it's not your cup of tea - the older assignments are still "open" and you're welcome to participate in any of those (and I promise to respond:-)
Fresh pictures only (as in "no archives" unless explicitly requested).
No "unauthorized equipment" usage - if not sure, ask.
Weekly Assignments
We have weekly assignments going on.
This post serves as a common ground for all of them, as well as the index chart.
Basic rules
It's been a long run since we started. I think we covered most of the basic stuff.
From now on I'm primarily going to concentrate on portraiture/lighting/postprocessing techniques relevant for photographing human subjects.
If it's not your cup of tea - the older assignments are still "open" and you're welcome to participate in any of those (and I promise to respond:-)
Fresh pictures only (as in "no archives" unless explicitly requested).
No "unauthorized equipment" usage - if not sure, ask.
Weekly Assignments
We have weekly assignments going on.
This post serves as a common ground for all of them, as well as the index chart.
Basic rules
- Follow the assignment subject.
If the subject is "red", posting a generally bluish image and explaining that you, in fact, were thinking of red while pressing the shutter may not necessarily cut the cake... - There are no winners, no voting, no competition.
Hence there is no need to be afraid to post a not-centerfold quality image as long as it complies with Rule #1 - Fresh images only, please.
Please don't use your archives even if they match the subject perfectly.
The idea is to "go and shoot". - While there are no entry deadlines, new assignments normally come out around Friday, so you have the full weekend and the rest of the next week to shoot it - that is, before the next one comes out and becomes the hot shot of the week:-).
- You're welcome to participate in the "past" assignments in case you've missed them, but your pictures still have to be freshly taken.
Meaning: you should only submit a picture that you took AFTER you became aware of the particular assignment.
And since we getting a new subject each week, it may be a good idea to start fresh and catch up later. - Post processing is OK (in moderation, unless otherwise specified:-).
We all want to see and produce a good looking image regardless of the assignment subject. Dust removal, distracting objects cloning, curves, layers...
All in all, process as your heart desires, but try not to cheat: if a subject is "red", creating a red overlay in PS over a midday seascape is not considered "rule #1 compliance" :-)
- Simple Shapes and Lines
- One
- Three
- Stone
- Tilted
- Extreme Crop
- Shutter Speed
- Reflections
- Shadows
- Frame in Frame
- Orange
- Field
- Stairs
- Panning Blur
- Specular Highlights
- Windows
- Guesswork
- Holidays
- Low Angle
- Into the Light
- Glass
- Leaves
- Crowd Control
- Empty Bowls
- Triangles
- Straight Up
- Spring
- Frame-By-Frame
- Half
- 90-60-45
- Save your worst shot
- Series
- Vanishing Point
- Chrome
- Still Water
- Fill Flash
- Food
- Profile
- 40mph
- Half-Moon
- Towel
- Twilight Zone
- Fire
- Wide and close
- Feet
- Dew
- Heavenly Grounds
- Storyboard
- 50
- Eye of Beholder
- Cover Girl
- 5-3-1
- Midnight Sun
- Faux Reflection
- Time Flies
- Duotone Portrait
- Jewelry
- Inside Out
- Open Flame
- Holiday Card
- Christmas Lights
- Paper
- Chess
- Beauty of a Blade
- Liquid Surface
- Out of Scale
- Falling
- Midterm Challenge
- Concentric
- Steam
- Candelit Portrait
- Umbrella
- Catching The Rainbow
- Palm
- Flow
- Workplace
- Upside Down
- Groundhog
- Dust To Dust
- Good Light, Bad Camera
- It's Not the Size...
- Fireworks!
- Comp Card
- Street Lights
- Submerged
- Art of Noise
- 8.8.8
- Boxes
- Ad Infinitum
- Best Angle
- Tyme Cover
- Shallow
- Mirror, Mirror On The Wall
- Show Your Mug
- Be Your Worst Nightmare!
- Blown Out
- Learning The Ropes
- 99 Bottles
- Hall Of Fame
- Sun Behind Leaf
- Outdoor Holiday Decor
- Natural High Key
- Take A Match
- Single Light Portrait
- Silverware Ad
- Obamicon
- Edge Silhouette
- Laser Beam
- Extreme BW
- Trinity
- Spot Lighted
- Jumbotroned
- A Hard Week's End
- Tron, Alice, etc.
- Unlikely Shadow
- WB Extreme
- LAB it, baby!
- Hairlight
- Wide and Long
- Wrap It!
- Stack It Up!
- No, not the fireworks!
- Clamshell
- Translucent
- Stroboscope
- Time Lapse
- Isolate
- Phylter
- Pinhole
- Progress
- Measuring Candlepower
- Newstextures
- High Noon Shooting
- Something Wrong...
- Dashboard Cover
- The Men Who Stare At...
- A World in a Glass
- Curb Appeal
- CD Cover
- Symmetry
- Ring Shot
- Sound
- Spiral
- Dashboard
- Dissolved Portrait
Starting from #147, most of assignments are about portraiture: lighting, posing, postprocessing, etc. - 1-2-3
- Nightmare 2010
- 12 in 1
- Tough Room
- 24
- Sunset Silhouettes
- Legs Unlimited
"May the f/stop be with you!"