Andy's iPhone Invisible Shield by Zagg Review

Bit of discussion, here
What a complete and total, utter waste of money.
It's NOT needed folks! I had an iPhone since Day One of the first release - carried it in my pocket for a year, keys, coins, money clip... no scratches no problems. Dropped said phone on the streets of NY and elsewhere, never an issue.
Don't waste your money on this. It's a pita to put on, and it's just not needed! Yes folks I tried one, just for giggles. And I ripped it off the iPhone and tossed it just as fast as I could.
Save your money, go see a movie instead :thumb
Now, I do have Zagg protectors on my 1Ds Mark III screens - I'm glad for them there. But the iPhone covering? Bah :nah
What a complete and total, utter waste of money.
It's NOT needed folks! I had an iPhone since Day One of the first release - carried it in my pocket for a year, keys, coins, money clip... no scratches no problems. Dropped said phone on the streets of NY and elsewhere, never an issue.
Don't waste your money on this. It's a pita to put on, and it's just not needed! Yes folks I tried one, just for giggles. And I ripped it off the iPhone and tossed it just as fast as I could.
Save your money, go see a movie instead :thumb
Now, I do have Zagg protectors on my 1Ds Mark III screens - I'm glad for them there. But the iPhone covering? Bah :nah
Of course, I'm not saying it's necessary to protect. I just like the feel of it.
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I think?
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It was the easiest thing to put on.
The one step people sometimes forget is to spray your fingers before touching the shield.
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Andy's right: you don't need it. He's also right that it's a PITA to install. And he's right that it ain't cheap.
Yet, I really miss mine. I like it. I like the feel of it. I like how my greasy fingers don't bother the skin as much as the naked iPhone. I simply prefer it.
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I thought I lived in that world. But then I set my Original naked iPhone onto my desk, and the perfectly smooth surfaces suctioned together. I had a small piece of dust in between the two, and when I went to lift up the phone, I noticed a small scratch on the glass. I couldn't even find the speck which infiltrated my clean work environment, and caused such damage.
My MacBook Pro slid into my bag one time, and the smooth corner of the Laptop caught the back of the iPhone in my bag. Both were scratched as both were naked.
So a scratched screen, and a scratched back on the original led me to the purchase of the zagg for the 3G iPhone. I've installed 3 in total now, because co-workers / friends liked the idea, and how well I put mine on. Can't say it took more than 5 minutes, from un-boxing to clean-up.
Andy - I hope yours never gets scratched, but I was not as lucky with my original, and paid the $20 bucks for the added protection. It is my preference to have it on just in case....
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Ours: Pair of 580 EX, Lensbaby, Studio Alien Bees, Son & TWO Daughters
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Oh boy, I am on the forums less than a week and I disagree with andy
APL Photography || My Gear: Bunch of 4/3rds stuff
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Get used to it!
I'm still waiting for my replacement shield, and I'm hating the iPhone without. Finger smears are a much bigger problem on a naked iPhone. At least with my greasy paws!!!
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And none to soon, as the back of the iPod was starting to get scratched to hell.
Confirmed: PITA
But I'm oh-so-happy that it's back on my iPhone.
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But in the shadows, Vysionous was watching, and with patience awaiting the night.
About 7 months later, it began peeling up at the edges and she said she never liked the rubbery feel it gave the phone.
Plus, if you decide you do want one, the Best Skin Ever product is the exact same material for less money:
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