A family of deer really like the soybeans near my home. A few does and a spotted fawn came out to graze. It took a while for the buck to show up. Once he heard a few of my clicks, he snorted and bolted. So did the does....

As I was walking back, I stopped to get a shot of the moon here.
Thanks for looking.

As I was walking back, I stopped to get a shot of the moon here.
Thanks for looking.
I'll not repeat what others say, so, you can call me Brer.
"... but I'll be sober in the morning." - Winston Chruchill
"... but I'll be sober in the morning." - Winston Chruchill
Cool shots
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I was pretty chuffed when I reviewed the images after uploading to see the jumper. :ivar I still haven't taken time to look at the others too closely.
"... but I'll be sober in the morning." - Winston Chruchill
600/4 L, 70-200/2.8 L, 24-70 L
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