how do you join your own newly created community?
I just created a private community. I can find it by searching in the communities page. It says it has no members. Also smugmug says I am not a member of any community. How do I join my own community?
Go to the community page after searching and Click "Join Community"
Check in control Panel "Home Page" tab it will apear in Photo community section
My Gallery
I tried once again but now it won't work
My Gallery
I cannot find any such button in my community page. That page has three sections, all of which are empty: recent members, today's popular photos, and recent galleries. I am really lost.
P.S. What I'm trying to do is find some website where I and three friends can share photos and chat about them. I've tried a dozen free photo sharing sites and they are all pretty useless. I thought I'd try smugmug.
Do this i hope this will work
Edit Settings in community page
Change Memebership to "Public Owner Authrization Required"
(it will ask for approval on the community page)
Now join the community and later change it to private invitation
Your friends have smugmug account then they can join the community they have to put whole gallery in the community.
I hope it helps
My Gallery