Firefighters POV

Well not really their exact POV, but I stood about 10 feet behind them while I took these (sorry for small size, I don't give the public fullsize access to my fire images, because I sell them):

And some others of the fire itself:

I tried to get a buncha different silhoutte photos, because I don't have many of these in my albums.

And some others of the fire itself:

I tried to get a buncha different silhoutte photos, because I don't have many of these in my albums.
Great series.
'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
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I try NOT to use a flash, mainly because firefighters wear reflective clothing, and it looks yucky in the finished photo.
But for overall shots i'll use a flash, but when i do the up-close shots, i usually get a silhoutte, which i actually like.
Its rare for me to catch a working fire, hasta be going good. Otherwise by the time I get on scene, park away from the scene and walk up, things are already knocked down. This happened to be a big fire and i was on the road as soon as I heard it come in. I followed them into the back yard, stood along the back fence while I shot them working.
These guys know me and love seeing their photos so they generally don't say a word when im there taking photos. Afterall, they'll be printing them to hang on their walls.
Your on the spot photography is really interesting.
You would have been able to feel the heat off of that fire wouldn't you?
Kind of scary being that close to the action, but quite adrenaline rushing I bet.
These look great, hope no one was injured, and I hope they had insurance to cover the damage, so many folks don't.
Excellent Action Series Vycor
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
One fire yeah you could feel it pretty good as you walked passed.
"Life of Riley" Photography