Need a good lens cleaner

I checked on past posts for lens cleaner since mine isn't any good and Eclipse is mentioned.
I was wondering if there is any other brand that is good to.
I can order Eclipse from Adorama, but BH doesn't ship it.
I was wondering if there is any other brand that is good to.
I can order Eclipse from Adorama, but BH doesn't ship it.
Never had an issue & eclipse has worked perfectly for me. Sometimes if they are filthy i repeat the eclipse/tissue bit over a few times.
On my elcheapo kit lens i have only ever used my shirt & after 4 years i still can see a mark on it but i would NOT do that with my L lenses though.
PS..i moved your post to Accessories where its more suited.
Thanks for the move
Puffer with brush...I don't remember seeing that before
I really last purchase was from Sams Club and I got 1K for $9.99....just saw them at wall world for 2.97 did not catch the box quanity tho.
That looks different.
It's a two in one kind of thing. I'm gonna have to check that out....thanks
Oh really used it on your sensor...I whispered it
Never saw those. Something that works and doesn't streak is what I'm looking for.
Sams Club or Wallyworld have them...I've never seen them in the stores here. I'm going to have to check them again.
No I have never had any streaks.....yes I used them on sensor, of course it is just the cover filter and not the real sensor......not since I got my copperhill kit:D
At Wally world they were setting on shelves right outside of the eye glass dispensary......
I will be looking for them in Wally
tangent. Was at Church and our new Pastor needed his photo taken. We were walking to the area to take the shot and a kid walked by and thought I was going to take a photo of him, he palmed my lens leaving a big smudge. Told the pastor I needed to wipe the lens, so he pulled out his un-used hankey for me. Think he was a little pissed when I declined and went back down to my camera bag and took my time cleaning my lens. But at the price a lens.... I'd rather have my Pastor mad at me than my wife for spending mo money.
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Gotta go to Best Buy.....oh I don't like that store.
Your right...better to have the Pastor alittle ticked off at you then your wife
Why did the kid do that...shame on him. I think he needs longer then an hour in Church.
Use a lens brush first at all times. If a lens brush is sufficient, stop there. A micro fibre lens cloth is a form of lens brush in my opinion.
Use wet cleaning only for greasy smears that are better avoided than treated after the fact.
DO not use t-shirts or your tie.:D
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
If you have greasy smears on your lens....what type of liquid cleaner do you use?
For me, I don't use any liquid cleaners. I use a bulb blower/brush most of the time (same one that was linked earlier in this thread), for greasy finger prints I use the Nikon Lens Pen which is Magic as far as I can tell
Took another look at the pen. How do you clean the little thing on the end if it needs to be cleaned? Or don't you.
the little thingy on the end is supposed to be cleaned when you slide it back into the pen or that is what I understood from the instructions that came with it........also any really good sporting goods store may have lens cleaners for binocs they sell.....I got my Nikon lens pen at Gander Mountain.....Sportsmans Warehouse (here) also sold them......but stock changes so rapidly in friggin retail stores anymore it just ain't funny......used to be if an item sold well it would be on a stores shelves for a few years anyway....not in todays world.....
I think Art Scott is right - I haven't done any research. All I know is that it gives me a clean, scratchfree and smudgefree lens every time I pull it out to use it. I do make sure to get all the particles off first with the brush (at the other end) or the bulb/brush if I have it with me.
Like I said, I think it is magic. for the wipes at Wally World....didn't get there today to check on those like I had hoped to. Went out for awhile to see the Baby Eagles
I am currently using some lens cleaner from an optical shop that I add about 10% by volume Isopropyl alcohol to. Works like a charm.
A lens pen works well, but I am always a bit concerned about it grinding a piece of grit into the lens surface, so I stick with a micro fibre cloth, and a little lens cleaning solution as a last resort.
I use the same solution on my 'glasses' which actually have plastic lenses and are a much softer surface ( eg easier to scratch ) than any coated glass optic in a lens.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Hot steamy breath works well also.......
I've been using hot steamy breath with alittle blowing first. You know...I don't think that sounds to good
Doesn't vinegar hurt the lens? It kills my weeds in my yard.