I think what he means is that the shot is technically very good, but that the content itself doesn't resonate with him-- but that's putting words in his mouth, so I'll just say the same thing. What stairs are these? Why are they interesting?
Well Tom... If you don´t want people to give you comments..Then don´t post. Maby if you could share your thoughts about the photo the message get clear?.
I like your work most of the times. But this staire/entrance thing.. i just don´t get it. Maby its just me?
Well Tom... If you don´t want people to give you comments..Then don´t post. Maby if you could share your thoughts about the photo the message get clear?.
I like your work most of the times. But this staire/entrance thing.. i just don´t get it. Maby its just me?
I don't think it's ever a good idea for an artist to explain what one of his or her pieces of work means.....because.....it should mean different things to different people. What did the Mona Lisa mean? I doubt you will find a universal answer.
Looks pretty natural Tom, not over done.
I like the shapes throughout the image, the long rows for the stairs.
The bricks, the squares in the door, and the windows.
You did well on those windows, you can see colour in all of them.
I don't think it's ever a good idea for an artist to explain what one of his or her pieces of work means.....because.....it should mean different things to different people. What did the Mona Lisa mean? I doubt you will find a universal answer.
That´s a good point. But if you stick to that statement. To get angry if someone else does not feel the same of your work, just not going to cut the cake.
I like the processing as well. I use HDR and exposure blending a lot in my work and appreciate when its done well without extravagence. The one thing that I really do like about what you've done here is that you didn't go nuts with the luminosity and light smoothing (the two things people usually go nuts over in HDR).
With that said, I do agree with Arvan that something is missing here. I wish I could be of more help , but that's a topic for the whipping post as it seems to be touchy subject here!:D
"They've done studies you know. Sixty-percent of the time, it works every time."
You have done a very good work on Photomatix with a "not very strong" HDR.
But I can almost achieve the same results using Lightroom.
In the photo herewith for example.
If you wish to have a look at a large size please click on it.
Your colors are very strong and vibrant. D
You have done a very good work on Photomatix with a "not very strong" HDR.
But I can almost achieve the same results using Lightroom.
In the photo herewith for example.
If you wish to have a look at a large size please click on it.
Your colors are very strong and vibrant. D
I love stairs/windows/doors. I feel a story behind those types of photos....Makes me ponder on who walked up/down them...looked out the window or went thru the doors and for what reason.
I have to try this process once I figure out my new camera
Again...doesn't look like an HDR to me...meaning...you've done the effect very nicely! I really like the shapes and colors and symmetry. Sometimes, photos don't always hold a story for me, but they are just very pleasing to look at. This ones makes me wonder where it is and what the significance of the building is, but even more than that, it's just a very attractive shot!
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
PBase Gallery
Well Tom... If you don´t want people to give you comments..Then don´t post. Maby if you could share your thoughts about the photo the message get clear?.
I like your work most of the times. But this staire/entrance thing.. i just don´t get it. Maby its just me?
I don't think it's ever a good idea for an artist to explain what one of his or her pieces of work means.....because.....it should mean different things to different people. What did the Mona Lisa mean? I doubt you will find a universal answer.
Looks pretty natural Tom, not over done.
I like the shapes throughout the image, the long rows for the stairs.
The bricks, the squares in the door, and the windows.
You did well on those windows, you can see colour in all of them.
Nice one Tom
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
That´s a good point. But if you stick to that statement. To get angry if someone else does not feel the same of your work, just not going to cut the cake.
With that said, I do agree with Arvan that something is missing here. I wish I could be of more help
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Your photo is very nice.
You have done a very good work on Photomatix with a "not very strong" HDR.
But I can almost achieve the same results using Lightroom.
In the photo herewith for example.
If you wish to have a look at a large size please click on it.
Your colors are very strong and vibrant.
The other is enter up
Beautiful work Antonio.
I love stairs/windows/doors. I feel a story behind those types of photos....Makes me ponder on who walked up/down them...looked out the window or went thru the doors and for what reason.
I have to try this process once I figure out my new camera
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography