37 - candle, coins, and pebbles. Thoughts?

Alright, time for some more amatuer fun! There's a bit more this time, so my apologies, but they were quite fun
(and this was after I narrowed down my selections)
Gobstoppers #1

Gobstoppers #2

Japanese gummies

Coins (I *love* how the penny reflected ^_^)

Hershey Kisses tumbling out...

Pebbles falling out

So close you can see the bubbles...

Angel wings...

Again keep in mind that I'm no pro at these types of photographs, so explain in detail how I can improve, thanks!

Gobstoppers #1

Gobstoppers #2

Japanese gummies

Coins (I *love* how the penny reflected ^_^)

Hershey Kisses tumbling out...

Pebbles falling out

So close you can see the bubbles...

Angel wings...

Again keep in mind that I'm no pro at these types of photographs, so explain in detail how I can improve, thanks!
My room mate likes that angle a lot too ^_^
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I like patterns and repetitions. I'm a slight obessive complusive in real life so looking at your picture I have a slight problem. It's less to do with any right or wrong angle or how many gopstoppers you have to shoot and more to do with the fact that the gopstoppers are randomly arranged and don't have a pattern. If you shoot it again arrange them in patterns of colors by lines or checkers or something. Because I know if I was eating these I would have done that and ate them according to that pattern.
Awesome idea!
P.S-What are you shooting on? You may want to get a sheet of bristle board, it helps me get a unified background- I don't have a lot of blank space in my house. Keep it up.
You would have arranged them before you ate them?????? I wanted to eat them last night, and the hershey's kisses, etc. By now I am starving. Going to go get coffee and eat. I eat candy like that in the order my hand touches it. I thought the first one really worked.
Actually, I don't see that Andy's is more special than ????? The candy, anything in a group. So it could be the subject that could win this, or a more interesting pattern..............and Jeff, right now that is work, it has to be nature for me and timed by the sun. I like to just grab my camera and go. I don't like waiting on the sun, though the photos are often better.
I don't completely understand this challenge anyway. I might go macro if I had the lens, but I don't.
Pebbles are good too.
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