37 ginger, comments?

Ribs On The Grill

Green And White





I would really like some chocolate candy right now.
ginger (I don't know what I am doing either)

Green And White





I would really like some chocolate candy right now.
ginger (I don't know what I am doing either)
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
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I agree, the onions is the best of the series...
hoping this message finds you well -Ian
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
I agree the ribs is the best in this series for the challenge. The onions are very nice but I think they would be better served in a challenge titled "one" I think that ones coming up soon....
Anyway nice job, can't wait to see more (I'm sure you can find some birds with pattern and repetition, if your so inclined
No one commented on my "people" shot, no one commented on my "osprey" shot. I here by recommend you all for the prize for contributing comments.
What made me go to the farmers market was the fact I stopped in Barnes and Noble, was reading photography books, several showed food as example of shots of patterns. One book said that it made the shot more interesting to add one thing of a different color to the shot????? I guess that would be one.
I personally like the "Green and White" shot best for no better reason than the fact it appeals to me.
I don't know what to take a shot of............the photography books were all wrong.
I will probably stay home today. I do love the farmer's market, but at the same time I need to get home to my dogs on Tues. Such a problem. Most people take their dogs, but I have three, and my camera and bag, it is just ME........don't know what I will end up doing for that place that just opened again for the season.
And I am back to not knowing what a pattern is.
These have more of a pattern, not that they are that interesting, oh hum! I don't mean I don't like them, I do, I do, I almost passed out the tomatoes were so pretty at the market, with all their little green things, most people take off the green things. The glass jars, they were there, I was excited, but oh so worried about my dogs (I should have been, too, I had accidentally left the Yorkshire Terrier outside for 8, or more, hours, while the others were crated.) All the Yorkie wanted to do was drink water, the others ate and drank.
I really like the glass jars, but I am having trouble working them up. Light or dark and how much, so I will put up a few, or a couple, of the same photo.
That is too light, I know, but is this too dark?
I like the "Green and White" and the "Glass Jars" best, still. Wish I had spent more time on the glass jars, but there is a definite pattern in the diagonal line here, isn't there?
Gotta get more? Something else? I used 2 gbs of memory on the osprey and only had a 512 mb card left. I shoot in RAW. I got all these, and the photos on the people thread, out of the 512 mb card and only TWO osprey shots.
It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you're not.
I like the jars best, especially the 2nd version. perhaps the sunlight could be punched up a bit, it's soooo beautiful
I like this one best, but, the tomatoes at the bottom are a little out or focus.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
I love the tomatoe shot. It's perfect for the theme and very colorful. But I have the problem of wondering about a "hook". I have that problem with my shots too. But, is it really necessary? I don't know. Andy's example in the challenge thread has the little something extra with the cloud reflections.
The jar shot has something extra. It has nostalgia. It makes you think. The pattern is not as strong as the tomatoes though. I don't know. I don't want to steer you wrong. I like the second jar shot with the extra brightness. Maybe the tomatoes need a sign on them, or a bug, or something.
Don't know, but I like those two the best.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
TWO by ginger
Meditation by ginger
Taken 4/22
I could put it on the challenge thread, it would be noticed.
ginger (Comments....is TWO enough is the question?)
Main Entry: rep·e·ti·tion
Pronunciation: "re-p&-'ti-sh&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English repeticioun, from Latin repetition-, repetitio, from repetere to repeat
Date: 15th century
1 : the act or an instance of repeating or being repeated
It doesn't say how many times...........
Main Entry: [1]pat·tern
Pronunciation: 'pa-t&rn
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English patron, from Middle French, from Medieval Latin patronus
Date: 14th century
1 : a form or model proposed for imitation : [url="aol://4344:1708.D0023633.40131667.672502875/"]EXEMPLAR[/url]
2 : something designed or used as a model for making things <a dressmaker's pattern>
3 : a model for making a mold into which molten metal is poured to form a casting
4 : an artistic, musical, literary, or mechanical design or form
5 : a natural or chance configuration <frost pattern> <the pattern of events>
6 : a length of fabric sufficient for an article (as of clothing)
7 a : the distribution of shrapnel, bombs on a target, or shot from a shotgun b : the grouping made on a target by bullets
8 : a reliable sample of traits, acts, tendencies, or other observable characteristics of a person, group, or institution <behavior pattern> <spending pattern>
9 a : the flight path prescribed for an airplane that is coming in for a landing b : a prescribed route to be followed by a pass receiver in football
10 : [url="aol://4344:1708.D0071084.40179121.672606148/"]TEST PATTERN[/url]
11 : a discernible coherent system based on the intended interrelationship of component parts <foreign policy patterns>
12 : frequent or widespread incidence <a pattern of dissent>
synonym see [url="aol://4344:1708.D0044045.40152079.672503366/"]MODEL[/url]
- pat·terned /-t&rnd/ adjective
- pat·tern·less adjective
perhaps the sky blue could get punched up?
$29.00 for those things. The guy says they are handmade. Didn't look handmade to me.
g (I wanted to buy a bunch and make my whole yard look egret trashy) (They did have flamingos, I could have thrown one of those in, but my trademark is an egret)
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
This is a great shot for the contest, it has pattern, two or three if you count the grain of the wood, the pattern of the glass has modulus ( they're not all at the same height,) and the way the light dances through the glass is b-e-a-u-tiful! I can see a tiny little sunset it in each glass. Wait, listen,.... do you hear that... its the sound of jealousy, this shot has some really great elements. If you don't use it, give it to me and I will!
hoping this message finds you well -Ian
I did this a few days ago, same day as egrets, figured I might as well post it. Used my dreaded 70-200 lens, suppose that is the most unique thing about it................and the frame, haven't seem many like this. g
love the ribs - same deal, get closer! let me enjoy them fully
i think the bikes are *mint*
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Gosh I am tired, I am rambling. So much. And now that I have started shooting that bridge, there is a contest, here, ending April 10th. Can't shoot it from where I was on that one. I wasn't going to enter, but hey.......... I am just sitting here not doing much, might as well.
I think my husband is going to kill me if I talk him into going one more place.
And I have not put this much work into the challenge in many months. I have ideas, I just can't find them. In multiples........I was at the bird rookery yesterday when the light was right for the challenge. If I could get a good storm, not the day of the farmer's market, I could get a photo of the bridge and use it for this and locally. Or I could go corral the egrets and make them stand in a line............
g (Pulled a hamstring doing this and I am no longer walking upright)
Thanks for stopping.