Pricing - Not enough time allowed to set prices and they are not getting set anyway.
I am trying to do Custom setting for all photos in a gallery to 0.00 so I can then set prices for just specified sizes and paper types, and the other sizes/papers will not be for sale. This isn't taking effect.
Also when I go into setting prices in a gallery, it pops back to the gallery without giving me a chance to finish, and I am not that slow.
Also when I go into setting prices in a gallery, it pops back to the gallery without giving me a chance to finish, and I am not that slow.
Smug wants YOU to buy the photos at cost. Click on view as non-user to see your custom prices or open another window and view them as a client. You'll see that your custom prices are set.
Photos | Blog | Youtube
It shouldn't be that hard unless there's something up with your browser. Go to the pricing screen, in the "bulk tools" section (at the top) select "custom", enter "0" in the "$" box, select "all products" in the next box, then click "APPLY PRICES".
I've never had those screens pop me back into my gallery until I was done - that doesn't sound normal.
Hmmm...I had that happen to me a few times also. I figured out that I was pressing the enter key after I had entered a price change. Nowadays, I enter the price change, then click on the next box. The price will automatically update and you can continue with further changes, just don't hit Enter.
Does that sound familiar?
Hope this helped.
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Canon EOS 1D MK III and 7d; Canon 100 f/2.0; Canon 17-40 f/4; Canon 24-70 f/2.8; Canon 70-200 f/2.8L IS; Canon 300 f/2.8L IS; Canon 1.4x and Sigma 2x; Sigma EF 500 DG Super and Canon 580 EX II.