Synchronizing SmugMug galleries with iPhone albums?
Hi all,
I know about the iPhone optimized SmugMug site and the new iPhone uploader app.
But how about this problem:
I have a bunch of galleries on SmugMug and want to copy some of them onto my iPhone's native photo album viewer. As nice as the SmugMug iPhone site is, I'd like to see my photos offline and using Apple's built-in album viewer.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to sync photos onto the iPhone?
- Omri.
I know about the iPhone optimized SmugMug site and the new iPhone uploader app.
But how about this problem:
I have a bunch of galleries on SmugMug and want to copy some of them onto my iPhone's native photo album viewer. As nice as the SmugMug iPhone site is, I'd like to see my photos offline and using Apple's built-in album viewer.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to sync photos onto the iPhone?
- Omri.