Clouds that shine in the night

This was the widest and brightest set of noctilucent clouds I have ever seen. I shot these near my home on 16-17.7.2008 around 2 am. NLCs are fairly common at my latitude in the summer, but they are hardly ever this bright and practically never expand all the way to the horizon in the south.
I made an overhead panorama out of this, so the north horizon in front is at the bottom (right way up), scroll up to meet the horizon toward the south (behind, upside down).

Tell me what you think! :thumb
I made an overhead panorama out of this, so the north horizon in front is at the bottom (right way up), scroll up to meet the horizon toward the south (behind, upside down).

Tell me what you think! :thumb
- Mike
IR Modified Sony F717
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I've offered the shot (and it's twin) to NASA's APOD, Sky & Telescope Magazine and a local astronomy magazine. We'll see if it's good enough to publish (fingers crossed)
Pyry it's fantastic
Awesome Shot :ivar .... Skippy
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
But in the shadows, Vysionous was watching, and with patience awaiting the night.
Excellent job!
Thanks a lot!
I'll let you know, if Nasa or the mags pick my photo
I like the velvety blue of the sky and the little gem at the bottom with a little bit of sunset.
The individual shots aren't blended together along any predictable lines.
I used CS3 Photomerge, the layer masks have more bends nooks and crannies than should be strictly necessary.
There is a spot around where you described, where the cloud seems to repeat itself, I checked that one and it's there in the individual frames, it's a real feature.
Thanks for the feedback!
I hear ya
Cloud types listed: I (veils), IIa (soft bands), IIb (sharp bands) and IVc (large swirly things), scored a full 5/5 on brightness and 4/5 on sky coverage.
Now, I took the picture solely because it was incredibly pretty out there, but this is kinda cool
PBase Gallery
Isn't the Kitt Peak Observatory somewhere near there? I'd go visit if I was there
Thanks for the comment