Shea Stadium for the Last Play

Billy Joel recently played the last concert ever at Shea Stadium before it gets knocked down... Shea stadium has a history of hosting huge concerts since the Beatles in 1965. Guest performances included Tony Bennet, Garth Brooks, Steven Tyler, Roger Daltry, and Paul McCartney. I had good seats left of the stage, 18 rows back, on the field. I was able to bring in my canon 30D with 70-200 f2.8 IS lens and get some really cool shots.
Tony Bennet singing New York State of Mind

Steven Tyler rocking out to Walk this Way

Garth Brooks "SHameless"

The stage set up

Billy doing his thing

Paul McCartney... "I Saw Her Standing There"

Paul McCartney and Billy Joel "Let it Be" the last song to be played at Shea Stadium
Tony Bennet singing New York State of Mind

Steven Tyler rocking out to Walk this Way

Garth Brooks "SHameless"

The stage set up

Billy doing his thing

Paul McCartney... "I Saw Her Standing There"

Paul McCartney and Billy Joel "Let it Be" the last song to be played at Shea Stadium
30D 70-200 f2.8 IS, 400 f5.6, 50 1.4, sigma 18-200 3.5-6.3
30D 70-200 f2.8 IS, 400 f5.6, 50 1.4, sigma 18-200 3.5-6.3
Nikon D80, D300, D700 all gripped, Nikkor 50 f1.8 Nikkor 18-200 VR Nikkor 70-200 VR f2.8 Nikkor 28-300 VR, Sigma 50-150 f2.8 Sigma 80-400 OS Sigma 150-500 OS Nikon SB600
I will never forget Paul at the end singing "Let it Be"
30D 70-200 f2.8 IS, 400 f5.6, 50 1.4, sigma 18-200 3.5-6.3
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