Quality problem with uploaded picture....
This picture was taken in bad light conditions, so the quality of the picture itself is not that great but anyway that is not what this is about...
The problem is that in the background you can see some strange color shifts... I verified the original uploaded JPEG: it doesn't have it. What could have caused this problem? I have it on several photos in the same gallery.
Here is the photo:
The problem is that in the background you can see some strange color shifts... I verified the original uploaded JPEG: it doesn't have it. What could have caused this problem? I have it on several photos in the same gallery.
Here is the photo:

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Can there be a quality loss with uploading?
Or maybe another problem?
My SmugMug: desmurfjes.smugmug.com
My website: http://www.DigiDiDi.com/
It'd be unusual.
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I uploaded the original to several other sites to see how the turned out and the display sizes are showing the same shifting.
This could be related to the background color, lighting and the high ISO. Maybe one of the local experts can weigh in.
As for your original, it looks the same in the gallery as it it does on my desktop.
I'll email you the links to the other sites so you can take a look......