Original naming convention
Hi, I'm looking to automatically upload photos and retrieve back the new smugmug name. I'm using PHP and MySQL on the current site.
I see that the original filename is used as the caption, but smugmug changes this to fit their system.
I don't mind storing the new name into my MySQL database. I'm not that knowledgable about XML, but willing to learn if neccesary.
I see that the original filename is used as the caption, but smugmug changes this to fit their system.
I don't mind storing the new name into my MySQL database. I'm not that knowledgable about XML, but willing to learn if neccesary.
Smugmug Exporter allows you to select an album and then save all of that album's image metadata (original filename, smugmug ID, caption, size, etc.) to a CSV file, which can then be imported into anything you'd like.
I use it to import smugmug IDs to IMatch (an image management app) so that I can cross-reference my original filenames with their smugmug IDs.
One of the recent S*E features allows you to do just that.
You can have other ppl upload and you'l get an upload email (tuned up to your convenience) with the ids, file name and other info. Email format can be (for now) CSV, tab-delimieted and RPC-XML.
Check www.starexplorer.com.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Looks like I'll be studying the API tomorrow
It's not rocket science, but it definitely takes time to make the whole thing robust and convenient (which is true about every app:-).
Actually, I just looked, as I, too, am interested in automating the sync'ing of portions of my collection at home with the subset that i post to SmugMug;
I looked at the API, specifically, at the smugmug.images.getInfo call, and it looks like it should be returning the filename, but it's returning "n/a".
Don, is this a known issue??
(sorry things didn't line up well; i battled with CODE parameter for 10 minutes and am giving up!)
I'm at a conference right now, so I can't do detailed checking, but just guessing: I'll bet you're using a case-sensitive parser, and FileName needs the capped N in the middle.
Feel free to tell me I'm wrong, though.
Thanks again, Don.
At the moment I'm not even sure where to download the main methods, but thats because I'm fixated on other things at the moment. Do I need an API key before I can download the methods/classes?
Wish me luck with XML