Some more from Mull, world's longest PP, possibly.

Well I keep going back to my Mull images and doing a bit of processing here and there but it's becoming a chore and somehow that doesn't sit right.
I guess the problem lies in my indecision and lack of speed in PP.
This shot of Calgary Beach has been languishing, unloved but now I've worked it up I really like it, not sure about my objectivity anymore however so comments welcome:-

This is one of the many shots of the boat wrecks that I took, I'm currently going through a desaturated phase so this is what I was after:-

Again comments welcome.
I guess the problem lies in my indecision and lack of speed in PP.
This shot of Calgary Beach has been languishing, unloved but now I've worked it up I really like it, not sure about my objectivity anymore however so comments welcome:-

This is one of the many shots of the boat wrecks that I took, I'm currently going through a desaturated phase so this is what I was after:-

Again comments welcome.
I love this look with this picture. I understand your PP frustration. As you become more fimiliar with outcomes, the PP will become faster. I also usually know what i want the outcome to be when i take the original picture but that does not mean I do not play with it in PS sometimes.
Keep on tinkering, it is the best way to get the results you want and the skills you are looking for.
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...and I'm nowhere near finishing my processing, so you still have me beat.
Thanks, you make a good point about knowing what you intend to do with the image when you take the picture resulting in shorter PP, I guess this all comes from experience.
Thanks Dan, all of the various styles I've tried I do seem to keep going back to the desaturated effect, I started uaing it with my flower shots and really like it.
You're right David, I think that works better, thanks.
Thanks Kerry,
I do like the mood of that first shot, and the guy on the beach definitely helps even if the composition is a bit off.
The desaturated effect definitely splits opinions, but I'm a bit wishy washy myself, I like it now, but in six month's time, who knows.
I'm glad I'm not the only one still tinkering but then you did have your tour of the UK as well so you're easily excused
I also love your candids. I have a several tons of them, some not even taken with my P&S but I haven't processed many because they're a bit dull SOOC. Thank you for posting these! They are great and the real "flavor savers" of the trip.
Hope you're doing well, Charlie!
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
The first one is very nice with the leading line of the log to the man on the beach. Okay, well not directly to the man, but close enough that I first focused on the log, then followed it up to the man. It worked wonderfully. I definitely agree with DavidTO's crop suggestion, as the upper part of the sky was drawing my eye out of the frame.
The second one I really love. I think your pp choices here are excellent. The only suggestion I have for it is to perhaps drag a very slight white vignette along the top. Alternatively, you could just desaturate that area further. The blue in the sky keeps pulling my eye up. If you wanted to take it even further, you could add a slight white vignette to the bottom corners too, but that might look too kitschy.
The candids are great also. Looks like everyone had a great time!
Whoops, missed these further replies. thanks Schmoo. I think you should post your candids, life's a bit dull here at the moment, not shooting much so some more memories of wonderful Mull would go down a treat!
Thanks Emily, I see what you mean about the blue at the top of the image, funnily enough I did try a 2:1 or 10:4 crop, can't remember which that essentially cropped this part of the image out and it also worked quite nicely!