Secondary sort order?
Is there any way to set a secondary auto-sort order (or something to that effect)? I have a gallery with a mix of photos and video. I have the auto sort order set to capture time, but that applies only to the photos. That seems to cause the videos to all be at the beginning of the gallery. Worse, the order of the videos seems to change around as I'm deleting some, so I keep losing track of where I am. Very frustrating...
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
Yeah, that would work. I could also just have Photo Mechanic put the whole timestamp at the beginning of the filename (right now I have it put the date but not the time), and just sort by filename. But that makes the filenames quite a bit longer, which is annoying, and it would break some other parts of my workflow (not that I couldn't fix them, but...). It seems like it would be nice to have a heirarchy of sort orders like capture date > file modification date (the uploaders would need to grab that and send it along) > filename. Even just capture date > filename would work ok for me, since all of my videos have the date on the beginning of the name (they'd sort at the end of the day, but at least they'd be in the right day).
In the case that prompted this question, I just gave up and put the videos in a separate gallery. On their own they sort ok because the filenames are sequential. Annoying, but better than the alternatives.