Lilac buds
Taken yesterday right in my front yard. The temp hit 27C in S Ontario - a teaser of summer weather. The plant life responded. Comments?

-- Bill
...has sprung! This shot, while technically a good shot, suffers from lack of contrast with the background (IMO).
Thanks for sharing your pic, very good detail and colors in it. I agree with Ric's observation though. NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
...this is my interpretation of how it should look:
Thanks everyone for your comments.
I walked around that shot for a couple of minutes, and my choices were out of focus foliage or out of focus buildings. I opted for the foliage, and for the sun over my right shoulder. To my eye the sharp focus the the branch and bud make it stand out from the similarly coloured background. I also like the overall green and brown theme.
Those highlights did bother me. They're not blown, though. I'll try a bit of shadow/highlight on it.
I also may try shooting it again this afternoon, this time using a translucent panel to soften the light, and bracketing.
-- Bill
Too much magenta for my eye, and my recollection of how it looked.
Thanks for taking the time to tweak it.
-- Bill
Tried again. Different bud, different settings, different background. Better? your favor this time around too. Looks fine. :photo