SmugTight - SmugMug integration with Airtight Photo Viewers
<embed> code generator and RSS feed massager to let you use various Airtight Interactive Flash photo viewers (SimpleViewer, PostcardViewer, TiltViewer, AutoViewer) with your SmugMug account.
Examples? Sure:
(By the way, if you have your own PHP host and wanted hack on thisyourself, you might also want to look at Andrew's SmugMugViewer, which uses phpSmug to talk to the SmugMug API (so presumably it could work for password-protected or not externally linkable albums?) and integrates with SimpleViewer. More importantly, he elegantly serves up properly sized thumbnails, unlike my script which just shoves medium-sized images everywhere.)
<embed> code generator and RSS feed massager to let you use various Airtight Interactive Flash photo viewers (SimpleViewer, PostcardViewer, TiltViewer, AutoViewer) with your SmugMug account.
- Copy and paste a SmugMug RSS feed for photos (Recent Photos, a particular gallery, keyword).
- Hit Go!
- Copy code for the viewer of your choice and paste it into your Bio box (w/o bio photo), empty gallery description, or some other website.
Examples? Sure:
(By the way, if you have your own PHP host and wanted hack on thisyourself, you might also want to look at Andrew's SmugMugViewer, which uses phpSmug to talk to the SmugMug API (so presumably it could work for password-protected or not externally linkable albums?) and integrates with SimpleViewer. More importantly, he elegantly serves up properly sized thumbnails, unlike my script which just shoves medium-sized images everywhere.)
Those are all PHP files renamed to .txt so you can download them as source.
index.php generates the embed code
All of the other files take the input of an RSS feed (with & replaced with AMPERSAND because of some goofiness with the way SmugMug parses html in gallery descriptions) and spit out the appropriate XML that each viewer requires.
I mainly stuck to the default settings for each viewer, so there's plenty of room for tweaking. I did try to write an algorithm to correctly size the number of rows/columns for PostcardViewer.
This really is so awesome. I saw your postings out on the Airtight forums. Im glad you got it working
how would i go about changing the default setting for the autoviewer, such as frameWidth or imagePadding?
James Singh Photography <-- my site!!
Ok, I've got a super-lame hack to add AutoViewer settings. For any of the gallery variables, you can tack them to the end of the auto.php string like so:
If you scroll all the way to the right, you'll see:
So frameColor is set to 0xFF0000, and displayTime is 1.
Sorry that you have to use the goofy EXTRA, EQUALS and AMPERSAND, but SmugMug insists on trying to convert or munging (I forget exactly) any symbols it sees in a caption or gallery description, so you can't link to an external script in the normal way (blah.php?foo=bar&goo=car)
Anyways, I've only set this hack up for auto.php, and it works with the following variables (shown with their default values):
one last question
what would i have to do to get this working with the pro version
currently the only swf file which i can get to work with these rss feeds is yours hosted on rudebadmood?
James Singh Photography <-- my site!!
Try it again -- I've created a crossdomain.xml file that should open up these "feeds" (they're not really RSS) to be used by an SWF hosted anywhere.
By the way, if you don't mind, I'd love to see the final results.
I just had to give it some time. :-P
I'm leaving the post here so others will be patient.
Any idea what I'm doiing wrong.
I used the generator with this input:
Which created this output for Simpleviewer
I placed it in the description of a new gallery and I don't get any images in the results. The RSS feed does create a page in FF.
Andrew came up with a clever workaround for this problem with his SmugMugViewer, but I haven't gotten around to hacking my hack to use it.
For reliability purposes, I would like to have the flash file & coding files stored at my own location but I do not know where to start. Thanks in advance for the help!
After a couple of frustrating days, I FINALLY got the files onto my server. And then having server restrictions from GoDaddy, i finally got the PHP files to work. I had to create a .htaccess file as well as a PHP5.ini file. In no way I am a programmer and no idea what those files are, but I did it and it worked! yay!!!!
How can I increase the size of my images within the viewer? I've already tried increasing the height & width within the PHP file, but my image sizes still did not increase.
I should probably add an option to use whatever size you want. I'll try to get on that soon.
Hey, so can you give us your website so we can see how things ended up looking?
visit to see my site. Please keep in mind that it is still WIP.
Thanks again, and look forward for the option for larger images!!!
Here's the final result on my site:
James Singh Photography <-- my site!!
I'm currently using the Autoviewer the hard way, with the XML file manually generated sitting on my own server. I would love to be able to pull in the XML file from my gallery.
I tried copying your index.php and auto.php to my server, but upon running, it generates an error message:
I'm not a PHP coder, so I'm not sure if I can debug the issue. Perhaps your .txt src version isn't the same as the one running in production? When I run it from auto.php on your server it works fine.
Do you know what version of PHP you're running?
You can find this out by creating some PHP page and including the following code:
Then load that page up. I'd also be interested in seeing if your build of PHP has the curl module installed, which is what goes and grabs the RSS feed from SmugMug. That might give you the error your getting, which basically says that whatever you're trying to feed the script is *not* an XML file. I probably should add better error handling for this, but I'm a lazy hack. :-}
BTW, my auto.txt src is directly linked to the auto.php file, so it's not a different version. I just added a tiny bit of error checking to make sure curl is grabbing the feed properly, and if not, to spit out a more useful error. You can try grabbing it again and see what errors you get.
I have been using the SMUGTIGHt viewer/SS. I wanted to change galleries and NOW I cannot duplicate my former success. I cannot get the new gallery to SS nor return to previous.
I have read the Wiki and all and cannot seem to pull myself though this.
I need help figuring out HOW to get a Smugtight SS back working!
I do believe I had the instruction written down on my previous computer...that crashed~
Thanks for any and all aid~
Fort Wayne SMUG Facebook
Put <center></center> around the <embed></embed> and tweak the WIDTH=750 HEIGHT=500 settings.
Great. Thank you!
Fort Wayne SMUG Facebook
Thanks for the very prompt fix Darryl!!! All my viewers are working correctly now.
Any update on being able to have the autoviewer display Large images?
Thanks again for all the help Darryl!!!
My homepage viewer was working fine when you viewed it because I haven't uploaded any new images. But now I just uploaded a new image so you can see the error, Also, see "X" error here,
Much thanks in advance!