Redirect Smug Mug Customers To My from Myself
Is there any problem of redirecting customers coming to purchase my photos on Smug Mug and direct them to purchase from me for various reasons? I plan to set-up my own domain name. This could relate to a 100 more photos? ADubin
If you have an account at a level lower than pro (as in a standard or power account) then while your photos can be set up to be sold, no money will go back to you.
If you get a pro level account you can sell your photos on your SmugMug site with the profit going back to you - see as a starting point.
--- Denise
Update a little later: Ah, I see by Doc's response that I really really didn't understand your question. I'll leave my non-answer for now in case it helps someone else...
Musings & ramblings at
For the custom domain: This applies to both power and pro accounts.
Thanks for your response. docwalker below reponse answered my question. ADubin
docwalker, Thank you for your immediate response. ADubin