My take on mini-challenges

Been asked a few times.... Thought I'd say it out loud.
It seems like a very good initiative, but as long as it doesn't have a "taken within challenge dates" time frame policy I'm not playing... Sorry :dunno
It seems like a very good initiative, but as long as it doesn't have a "taken within challenge dates" time frame policy I'm not playing... Sorry :dunno
"May the f/stop be with you!"
I think it is exactly that which makes the minis as much fun as they are. And the prize being organizing the next round, I don't think there should be too much stressing out over the whole thing anyway
I've done five minis now, two with fresh pics, three from the archives and come out with two HMs and a runner-up - one HM with a fresh shot (the last one that just finished).
Actually, I'd like to know how much people are using old shots versus new ones. Just for kicks.
I used all fresh this time. Last time they were older ones.
I don't mind about fresh vs. old - what I enjoy most about these challenges is that I can get critiqued on older photos(where I was really crappy with a crappy camera) which helps me understand and work my current camera better and I also enjoy being able to create an (almost!) new photo from an old one, improving my PS skills, when filters and/or enhancing is necessary for the theme.
Because I started the mini's, I guess I'll comment on this.
The Mini's, in my view, are more of a showing off challenge. There really is no prize other than running the next
challenge, so the time restraint doesn't seem to be relevant.
A lot of the time, I will have at least 1 shot out of the 3000 I have on the net, that will fit in a challenge.
Some are pretty good examples, some not so good. If I feel that I have a good shot already made,
I won't take the time to go out and reshoot the exact same shot. It's a waste of time.
Now if I were to come up with a new take on that theme, I'd go shoot it, if my time would permit it.
For me, I mostly enter older stuff.
The Take Off shot for the 2nd challenge was taken in January when it was 16 below. I guess I could have
taken a shot of a sparrow, but I don't think it would have had the impact.
Challenge #7 was a new shot, and the shots for this one will be new.
I guess I don't feel that because you took a shot early on in your development as a photographer,
that it shouldn't be allowed in this kind of a contest.
Remember, these things are supposed to help you learn, and maybe teach yourself, or others about photography.
An older shot can still do that.
Ansel, you can't enter that shot, you didn't take it from the 8th to the 23rd. Go back to the Tetons and camp out
for 3 more weeks to get that shot again so you can enter it.
Nik, I understand that you want to challenge yourself every time you pick up the camera. You still could in these
challenges. The fact that you don't is your decision.
The fact that I got up at 4:00 am, put on a ton of clothing to drive an hour and a half, to stand out in the cold
and wait for the sunrise, to get that shot of the swans taking off was enough of a challenge, no matter what date I did it.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
I respect you and your way of thinking, you know that.
However, your italicised example is right on the money. If Mr.Adams was alive and playing with us today and we had a Teton challenge with the time frame policy active, it would be my honor to go against him even if i knew all too well that I'd lose. However, I'm not gonna go against the ghost. Or any archival image, for that matter.
I'm not trying to diminish the mini-challenges, I'm only explaining why I'm not in them. I'd love to, but not with "archives ok" policy. It's simply not a level playing field in my book.
I also respect you Nik, but i think you're missing the point of the Mini's.
In the end it isn't about winning, I mean, what do you win by winning? Nothing.
It's about showing off some of your best shots, and having fun.
Even though most comments are "Nice Shot", looking at others "Best of" shots can
still be a great learning and growing experience.
So all I can say is, have fun, if you don't it's your own fault.:D
See you in Moab.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
it was never about the winning. :-)
It is only about rules of engagement.
I'm not trying to make you change them, I'm simply trying to say why I don't accept them.
People can get commments and grow by simply posting, anywhere, anytime, 24x7. "Challenge" assumes some sort of rules. I can't accept one of them, hence I don't play.
But I do try to have my share of fun, and I'm too looking forward to see you again in Moab:-)