Connection problem ... retrying.
I'm using the Simple Uploader via IE and I often get a message "Connection problem ... retrying." Every once in awhile the upload will resume but it drops the upload from time to time. With the current problem, it's taking much longer to upload the files than usual. Is there a problem going on that I've not seen listed anywhere?
Keep geting a server connection was lost error. Two computers- Safari or Firefox- still can't upload.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
When just trying to get to the upload page at this moment:
Connection Interrupted
The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.The network link was interrupted while negotiating a connection. Please try again.
I was having many issues uploading earlier today using the simple uploader. The Bulletproof one worked as did the (now) unsupported java drag and drop uploader.
Best we can do is post problems here.
I am increasingly concerned about the reliabillity of Smugmug. There have been just too many issues in the past couple of weeks.
Since the jfriedl plug-in for Lightroom isn't working because of connection errors, I thought I would try the drag and drop. No luck. When it does begin to upload, it's at a slow speed.
Anyone else seeing performance issues when you can get connected?
Missing packets have been removed to protect the innocent. :-)
We're aware of the problem and it's being worked on now. Sorry for the inconvenience!
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Smug since 2006
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Thanks Barb
Uploading 80 pics and all is working well . . .
Smugmug - 9 pm Sunday and someone's at the control panel . . . nice . . .