LAB isolations possible in RGB mode

glennchanglennchan Registered Users Posts: 24 Big grins
edited July 28, 2008 in Finishing School
I've been looking at the Select -> Color Range tool (in RGB) and it seems that it operates in LAB color space internally. So you can use it to isolate colors like in LAB color mode from within a RGB project.

I'm guessing it uses LAB color space, but my reverse engineering seems to indicate that this is true. In the attached image, the top right three gradients are from the color picker with LAB. See that the white boxes (I added these to help visualize the results of the color range tool) makes nice squares in LAB space (ignore the weirdness with clipping from LAB->RGB and the top right gradient, which doesn't have the isolation color).
It doesn't make nice-looking isolations in the other color spaces (HSL, RGB). In LAB mode, the Color Range tool also makes squares on the same gradients.

This might be useful for the LAB fans out there.
My blog on color correction. | My freeware Photoshop plugins (they also work in Paint Shop Pro X2, Elements, and IrfanView).
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